Learning Memes

While reading an article by Michelene Chi about learning activities, I couldn’t shake the feeling that her ranking of the four types of activities reminded me of a popular internet meme I’ve seen before. After finishing her article and having learned more about her ICAP framework I decided to find the meme in question and take some liberties with the learning sciences.

The final product was not only a humorous take on a scholarly article but a way that I could express new concepts I was learning in a fun manner. Through later classes, I was able to then better explain just what my side project was accomplishing and why it was relevant to my coursework.

By making these memes I’m able to practice reflexivity, articulation, and artifact creation.

For more meme content, visit @LearningMemes on Instagram or Twitter.

Highlighted memes

ICAP expanding brain

This was the first meme I created and combines elements of Chi’s ICAP framework with the “expanding brain” meme.

Is this a learning environment?

A running joke with classmates was that we began looking at all of our interactions with an eye for how (and why) it was really a learning environment. This paired well with the “is this a pigeon?” meme based on a Japanese anime series.

Distracted Papert

When we learned about Seymour Papert and his being a protege of Jean Piaget before developing his constructionism learning theory, it immediately reminded me of the “distracted boyfriend” meme.