Narrative Design Class Reflections

  • Storytelling (11/1/2020) - This is the full-text alternative of the reflection video I made for class. Take a moment to reflect on a story that has had a lasting impact on you. Maybe it’s a fairytale from your childhood, that one book you can’t seem to put down, or even your favorite adventure film series. Now let’s break …
  • Creativity and Narrative Design (10/18/2020) - If you could see what is running (literally running, at hyperspeed) in my mind right now, you just might get whiplash. And it’s not like my mind is always racing, but as I was reading through our reflection prompts for class I suddenly became the Simone Biles of mental gymnastics. How do I begin to think about …
  • Thoughts on Portfolio Design (10/9/2020) - In class this week, we started discussing our portfolios and how we might weave visual, informational, and thematic narratives into our sites. This isn’t something I explicitly thought about prior to creating my portfolio, but as we discussed these elements in class I realized that my design does address this question. I think those narrative …
  • Katie, the Narrator (10/3/2020) - 👋 Why hello there, new friend! You’ve found my humble graduate student portfolio and, not only that, the section of my portfolio where a lot of ✨ experimenting ✨ is happening. Let’s catch you up to speed: I’m a professional training facilitator at NYU by way of Apple I’m passionate about employee advocacy, development, and onboarding …