Blog Post Project 01 – Toy Design & Prototyping

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For Project 01, my individual research focuses on the kite. As a traditional toy with thousands of years of history, I mainly researched kite’s development and its multiple uses, including the function as a toy as well as military tools / religious representations.  I chose the dragon kite as a typical representation for the category, since it does not only meet the need of a toy but also contains the good wishes of the Chinese nation since the dragon is an important symbol of auspiciousness and fortune in the culture.

For group research, we discuss whether video games should be considered as toys or not. We raised the opinion on the differences of goals and rules between toys and video games, which also echo with what Gray says in “A Lucid Theory of Human Nature”, play, or playing with a toy, should be non-competitive, there should not be an objective. 

  1. Question: What makes block toys so hard to gender?

The neutral appearance including its shape, color, and its material, applications, cultural representations all make block toys hard to gender. According to “Characteristics of Boys’ and Girls’ Toys”, “girls’ toys were associated with physical attractiveness, nurturance, and domestic skill, whereas boys’ toys were rated as violent, competitive, exciting, and somewhat dangerous”. Block toys usually don’t contain any of the characteristics listed above. However, since the group’s presentation mentioned Lego, I assumed they thought lego was a kind of block toy. I questioned when I listened to the presentation but I was not sure, so I did some research. The initial design of Lego may not be gender-oriented, as an instruction book of Lego in 1974 says that “the most important thing is to put the right material in their hands and let them create whatever appeals to them”. It seems that no matter from the design goal to the following sale of block toys, block toys are all not gender-orientated. But now when I go to the Lego Official Shop on Taobao, there are clear categories for boys and girls, and even the advertisement for International Working Women’s Day (March 8) is strongly related to gender. I understand this might be because of marketing, but under the fierce competition in the current environment, I wonder if block toys will still be hard to gender.

Lego’s Instruction Book in 1974
Gender-related Categories in Lego’s Shop

Reference:; Taobao

Week 2 – Toy Design & Prototyping Assignment

Part 1: Post on the blog your reflections about the readings and finally describe what play is for you. (two to three paragraphs)

One of the inspirations I have from the readings is its significant cultural effect. I have been hearing people arguing that there is cultural output through books, movies, for instance, they would say American Captain make children in China know the existence of American style superhero but ignoring local superheroes. Now I am thinking about if toys have the same influence – since people are actually putting their thinkings on the toys too. Toys are not innocent, pure, cute things anymore. Toys in the markets are clearly divided by gender – I am really familiar with this. Coincidentally I cleared up my childhood things during the vacation, and found so many pink toys including but not limited to barbies, cook toys that I didn’t open at all. I love Ultraman since I was a little girl and still possess many Ultraman toys, but my parents and grandparents would say “why do you like boys’ toys? You really behave like a boy.” I understand that there was no malice in their words, but from their attitudes towards me and the toys, I can really conclude that the producers’ gender ideas on toys worked pretty successfully (I am definitely against the idea though).

What’s more, the definition of play is not simple anymore. Initially, I thought when combined with toys, play is only the sort of play that happens in your childhood’s background. Homo Ludens give more explanations on the cultural significance of play. Like something that doesn’t really matter, but either cannot be explained as instinct, play is defined as “the highest goal of man’s endeavor”. It is not a necessity but humans will not be able to develop as a real, normal human being without it. There are some very illuminating and vivid explanations, like “play is a stepping out of ‘real’ life into a temporary sphere of activity with a disposition of its own”. There seems to be a place that you can play and ignore all kinds of depressions and worries in your real world.

Just as the concept above has illustrated, play for me is a time and place to release my pressures. Generally speaking, play is an enjoyable thing for me, that I can spend this piece of time with something I like in my own little world. It is something goes“outside and above the necessities and seriousness of everyday life”. I do not desire to have billions and go travel around the world, lying on my bed playing with my stuffed toys is pretty enough.

Part 2: Mention your favorite toy(s). Why do you like it? How do you play with it? What is the target user for this toy? Is it still in the market? Research about your favorite toy(s) and write your thoughts on how your toy connects with the concepts from the readings.  (one to two paragraphs). Include in this post any media or link you consider helpful.

My favorite toy now is a stuffed cat toy (besides my phone). I love it because it is fluffy… Last summer I was seriously sick and when lying on my bed I wanted something that I can hug and warm me. I definitely want a puppy or kitty, but I am slightly allergic to fur so I had to give up. That’s why I chose to buy it and it is very loyal to accompany me on my bed or on my belly or in my arms when I am asleep. It is still in the market and I think it is a pretty popular type of stuffed toy in the market – but this one is mine, it is unique.

One thing I am satisfied with is that the toy is not targeted to a specific gender – in the product description they only say it can be used for babies, but no “boys/girls”. However, it is always difficult for me to get rid of these cute stuffed toys – I have had more than ten stuffed toys on my bed right now, more being thrown away or be kept in the box. I am definitely not trying to play them or to learn anything from them, but just finding a shelter separated and isolated. I furthermore checked the titles of the toy on Taobao, and the title echoes with the need when people searching for this type of toy too. Turning to the auto motorbike I liked to play during primary school, the theory from play’s roles in humans works since play can function as a means of suppressing aggression and promoting cooperation. I am not sure if it can really promote cooperation, but I can get familiar with my classmates by joining the mini motorbike competition, which brought me a lot of fun during my childhood. A play-community generally tends to become permanent even after the game is over”. That is true cause even the teachers confiscated our motorbikes – or our tiny plastic cars, glass marbles, we can always be a great game union whenever possible.

Toy Titles


Week 1 – Toy Design & Prototyping Assignment

1. About Drawing

I have learned how to draw from primary school until grade 10 when the study pressure was so high that I had to give it up. During middle and high school, I mainly learned about pencil sketch so I don’t know much about painting with watercolor. To be honest, I almost forgot how to draw now (that’s my thinking before Marcela said everyone could draw lol). I keep the ability to copy a picture, but not to create an original picture.

Here are my drawings following the exercises. I will keep updating them if I draw something new.

Original Picture
Original Picture
Original Picture
Original Picture

2. My Favorite Toys

The pendant with Winnie Pooh inside the crab
Now Winnie Pooh gets out of the crab!
The kitty I left in my dorm miss her so much 🙁

3. Documentary Response

Not only the talent of Christoph Niemann but also the background music, the overall art style of the documentary surprised me. I love a few scenes so much and I think I have to write it down.

I thought it was a durian.
The most unique owl I have ever seen

The scene below reminds me of making a toy of “myself”. Therefore, when I am procrastinating or doing something that disappoints myself, I can just hit “myself” instead of getting angry or depressive. Also how the documentary production team connects Mr.Niemann with his identity of an artist, or a visual storyteller according to his social media profile is delicate.

And I love the cartoon Mr.Niemann drew so much. This is me when I am doing my project. But my hair never becomes a knight which is sad.