CGDD – W05 – 庄周梦蝶 Game Design

  • Genre:
    • Puzzle Game
    • Single-player
    • First Perspective
  • Name: O
  • Core Gameplay:
    • The play needs to control time to go forward by walking clockwise and go backward by walking counter-clockwise. Players need to take the advantage of this ability to find out a way to repair the time.
  • Scene
    • A circular corridor or road, which is actually a frame of a clock.
    • Broken & surrealistic objects → clues
      • Radio/tree/poster/river
  • Connections
    • People cannot feel the flow of time in their dreams. The story in a year can be encapsulated into 5 minutes.
    • 庄子认为,生命是气的凝聚,死亡是气的消散。气消散后又会重新凝聚,就会变化成另外一种生物了。世间的生物就是这样生生死死循环轮回,永不停息,所以生并不值得高兴,死也不必哀伤。Zhuangzi believed that life is the condensation of qi and death is the dissipation of qi. The gas dissipates and condenses again, transforming into a different kind of living thing. Life in the world is such a cycle of birth, death and death, never stop.The player will live in an endless loop as Zhuangzi has described.


  • Storylines
    • Start: “You” are a clockmaker. The game would begin in a normal-looking bedroom. Suddenly a clock hanging on the wall falls down and smashes into pieces, which signifies the breaking and abnormality of time.
    • General Scene: You wake up in a circular hallway and try to find ways to repair the clock.
    • Ending: The player will wake up in a room with the repaired clock, but all the same scenes as before so it is hard to tell which one is the reality.
  • References
    • TENET
    • Dr. Strange
    • Inception

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