
In this web-collage project, I gain my ideas from my previous manifesto work and surreal collages. Since my topic is about sports, I decided to make a web-collage in memory of my favorite basketball star, Kobe. Unfortunately, he passed away this year earlier. So I use the black empty basketball court as the background. His own logo is a combination of triangles. Similarly, I use lots of triangle elements on this page. Because he has other names, which are a flying man and black mamba, so I add a pair of wings on his back and posting a wild black mamba, also hoping that he could live a happy life in heaven. Another outstanding point is the animation part. The beautiful arc of the movement of basketball represents his unstoppable shooting skills. I combine the mamba spirit with my own manifesto on the page because I wish that I could carry out the mamba spirit in my own life. The background music is the hall of fame, also exhibiting his position in basketball history.

Here’s the link

http://imanas.shanghai.nyu.edu/~jz4060/week4/webcollage/web collage.htlml


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