Week 4 Assignment
This is the video mirror I have built for this week’s assignment
And here is the screen recording of the live performance.
The followings are my 5 most favorite screenshots, including one short video clip, and I really like that rotating effect.
As for the video performance concept, my current idea is to find some videoes clip related to the activity of bacterias or similarly micro creatures. And real-time manipulate them to reflect their emotions towards the bigger environment. Similar to what I have proposed in Week1’s assignment, especially under this particular situation, when these little creatures like viruses are overturning our human being’s way of living, I think it might be a cool idea to show their emotions, which are also hard to be detected in our ordinary life.
I get inspiration from Ryoji Ikeda’s works. Though his work is most famous for manipulating black and white, he actually uses lots of data-like noises in the performance. Based on that, I think of other small things and whether there is anything special with them. In the end, I come up with my concept as micro creatures like bacterias. In terms of formats, I don’t think I will stick with the way Ryoji Ikeda does, which is exploring all kinds of probabilities of combining black with white. Personally Speaking, I am more in favor of retaining these colors. Any picture from the textbook talking about bacterias all have a relatively high level of greyscale. Because we observe them from the microscope, it’s hard for us to really identify these colors. So hopefully, sharpening these colors will bring an interesting real-time piece.
*notes: I have checked the youtube tutorials and the code examples after I have done the homework. So I apologized if they looked not as fancy as I expect. But I am gonna definitely put them to use while doing the real-time performance part.