Final Work 1st draft

For the final project, I am responsible for designing the first room and some special visual effects by utilizing the VFX system. Stick close to the storyboard mentioned last time, I tried different models for the weird room where the main character wakes up. And I find among all of them, the Medieval Hall serves our purpose better. The second step for me is to find some tutorials online to develop the portal effect used by Dr.Strange in the Marvel movies. We agree that this will be a cool effect to work as the transition between different scenes. We imagine that in the first room, there will be objects from the other 2 scenes. At first, I just try to put all the stuff on the ground. And I think the outcome is not ideal. It seems to lack a sense of absurd. So I have written some scripts, using the Sin() and Cos() function separately to set up 2 floating scripts. So that you can see different objects, not all simultaneously go up and down, there is a timing gap there, making the animation more coherent.

This is a small video demonstrating where I am right now.

And this is the transition between scenes I plan to use.


We have also met with each other to discuss the direction we are heading in and our progress. And I think we are doing pretty well so far. Here is the link to the presentation, including more details about the technique part.

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