The introduction to the collage

This is a brief introduction to my process of drawing this surreal collage. Actually this is my first time hearing of the word “surreal” and it bothers me a lot at the beginning stage what is surreal and if I use objects from the real world, can they be counted for surreal collage? After watching some documentary videoes, I gradually realize that surreal is actually a new way of creating artworks, which is to break the laws of the traditional arts. So it has nothing to do with whether the components in your picture is real or not. I first created three simple collages mentioned in the last blog to have a better command of adobe photoshop. The second step is to create some pngs to help me deal with the final project more effectively and more precisely. This is the process that requires lots of patience, sometimes the size of the eraser I use in the PS is only about 3 pixels. As a result, it takes me tons of time in this step. Eventually, I create the final great collage. It’s an overall understanding of sports. From ancient Greek to modern times, though the forms of sports change from time to time, the spirit involved in the competition, which is ‘higher, faster and stronger’ and ‘Friendship first game second’ always stays the same. And I believe the future generation of athletes will still bear these spirits in their minds.


This is the link of the picture

Here are the works cited page.

 works cited

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