Team Lab – The Magic Of Lights

One of my most favorite museums in Shanghai is the Team Lab. It uses the dark environment, together with amazing light technologies to create an immersive art experience for visitors. It’s a responsive environment actually, and I find the designers make full use of darkness. Darkness will shade out the light so that we cannot see the clear existence of ourselves and other visitors. And then it uses fancy light technologies to build an imaginary scene for you. The light is combined well with the physical objects that are originally parts of the building. Moreover, the moving images on the wall will respond to the user’s behavior. For example, if you touch the fish, it will quickly swim away, which makes fish vivid to us. There are also places that use the angle of the building to make an autostereoscopy effect. It’s fooling our eyes, making them believe these are 3D models rather than images on walls. The most impressive light use for me is a space with mirrors on both the upside and the bottom side of the room. In this way, using reflection, when you placing yourself in the middle of the room, you will get a feeling of infinity. For me, I even experience the loneliness and tininess of a single human being. Besides cool light designs, it’s also using the ground to simulate the real cases of ups and downs in mountain areas. With lotus surrounding you, walking on a mountain trail with ups and downs can really cheat your senses.  Though the scene has nothing designed for fragrance, for me, I can even feel the wind blowing and imagine the spring’s coming arrival. These are some pictures and videos I have taken when paying a visit.

Honestly, I really like these scenarios and I do believe it can be called immersive art installation.

If you are interested in it, here is the link for more detailed information.

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