
This is the flow we have discussed this weekend.

And we also began to construct the background information about this fantasy treasury hunting escape room.

First, we try to find a real historic existing to have some solid background information on how to shape the culture. So, we have found Nabataean civilization.

Historic Background: 

The Nabataean civilization occupied southern Jordan, Canaan, and northern Arabia from the 6th century BC, when Aramaean-speaking Nabataean nomads gradually migrated to Arabia. Petra sketched their skills on boulders in the Jordanian mountains, and they are remembered for their masterly hydraulic engineering and skill in managing complex systems of DAMS, canals, and reservoirs, which helped them grow and thrive in the arid desert region. Little is known about its culture and no written language remains.

In 65 BC they were defeated by the Romans, who took full control of the region in AD 106 and renamed it the Arab Petria dynasty. Around the 4th century AD, the Nabataeans left Petra for unknown reasons. It is thought that the Nabataean civilization died out after centuries of foreign domination and that the Nabataeans converted to Christianity before their land was completely overrun by Arab invaders.

And when the players reach the entrance, the staff there will give them some background information on this tomb as well as their missions.

“Hello, ladies and gentlemen. Sorry to interrupt your Labor Day Holidays. But 4 of you are selected as an assistance team to find Professor White and help him to finish the research object. Professor is an expert in Nabataean Civilization, and he believes that the Nabataeans did not suddenly abandon their homeland Petra overnight because of the cultural homogenization brought about by Roman Christian rule, but rather provoked the wrath of higher beings into an irreversible disaster. And it seems that the Professor is determined to believe this tomb has something to do with those last Nabataeans. He asks us to assemble such a team 3 days after he enters the tomb. The tomb is about hundreds of meters below the ground surface. So there isn’t any way to use the cell phone or any modern communication device. We have the obligation to protect this ancient tomb, so please be careful not to break anything.”

After they enter the tunnel, they will find a DV with the first puzzle’s clue on it. The DV contains the following information.

DAY 1:

Getting excited about tons of things. Finally, I have the chance to get closer to the truth of the sudden disappearance of Nabateans Civilization. After this 7-day field trip, I will marry my dear Bella. Only one day apart from her, I miss her already!

DAY 2:

According to the wall paintings on the tunnel, they are such an interesting civilization that worships a unique god.

DAY 3:

We should have listened to the warnings from beginning to end. How could I be this stupid to forget those! Oh, god, today might be my judgment day. Farewell, my beloved Bella.

And the logic chain here is that the diary will not provide irrelevant clues, the whole diary is about the tomb, only one sentence about love, as mentioned before today is Labor Day, so it is 5/1. The professor said that the team would be formed three days later, so the professor entered on April 28, and the wedding a week later was very much on his mind, so the wedding was on May 4, and the password of the toolbox was 0504.

The last part of this week’s progress is to test whether the mirror reflection system works, and we have built a prototype for it, ready for showing it in Friday’s class.

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