Introductions to my surreal artworks

This is my first surreal artwork. I wrote a sport manifesto in the previous week, so this week’s topic is also about sports as well. In this picture, runners represent ancient Greek athletes and the competition among them is purely about skills. While some of the modern sports, like F1, showed behind them is more about techs and have a certain degree of danger. Meanwhile, gods play the role of witnessing the fairness of the competition in ancient times. Nowadays, some of the referees receive lots of money to have an impact on the fairness of the game. And also athletes’ social position is rising as well. Like Kobe shown on the top of the picture, they are now described as gods sometimes.

This is my second work, the one in the middle is O’Sullivan and his championship in 1998 was regarded invalid because he uses drugs. After using drugs, he always easily loses his temper so from other’s perspective, he becomes the creature like a demon and this fact breaks lots of his fans’ hearts. The leaf on the left is the one he takes most frequently. The background is two pieces of news reporting his health issues relating to drugs. The snooker table represents his job as a professional athlete. I only use black and white because if you cross the line of drugs, you immediately turn black from white and this may ruin your whole life. Now he is back by succeeding in getting rid of drugs. I hope that everyone could bear in mind that never taking drugs.

This is my third work. There are lots of sportsmen in this world who prefer to talk big than promise something they can do. This behavior is irresponsible both for themselves and their teammates. So I use a little boy’s body to represent their low ability of acting. While media actually like those athletes so they will have lots of reports on them and they also enjoy their success in talking big and seldom practice to improve themselves. Even though they originally have the ability to become angels, now they can only become devils living in the ashes.

Here are the works cited cited

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