“India’s Poverty Rate Does Not Measure What You Think It Does” (with Joshua Merfeld). Ideas for India, December 2024.
“Bringing winners and losers into the classroom.” Journal of Economic Education 48 (1): 31-33 [Symposium on normative economics], 2017.
Harvard Business Review (online). “Too Many Americans Suffer from Financial Instability. Their Employers Can Help Fix It.” Timothy Ogden and Jonathan Morduch. December 14, 2017.
“Microfinance as a Credit Card.” Limn, Issue Issue Number Nine: Little Development Devices / Humanitarian Goods. November 2017. Edited by: Stephen J. Collier, Jamie Cross, Peter Redfield and Alice Street.
Boston Globe. “It’s not Just the Money; It’s the Instability.” Jonathan Morduch and Rachel Schneider. July 8, 2017.
The Atlantic. “The Power of Predictable Paychecks.” Jonathan Morduch and Rachel Schneider. May 24, 2017.
Daily Beast. “Unhelpful: Why So Much Financial Advice Is Useless — With many middle- and low-income workers lacking access to mortgages, IRAs, or even savings accounts, the saving mantra beloved by advisers is wrongheaded and sometimes harmful.” Jonathan Morduch and Rachel Schneider. May 13, 2017.
Harvard Business Review. “We Tracked Every Dollar 235 U.S. Spent for an Entire Year and Found Widespread Vulnerability.” Jonathan Morduch and Rachel Schneider. April 12, 2017.
PBS NewsHour. “Why do so many American families feel so financially insecure?” Jonathan Morduch and Rachel Schneider. April 12, 2017.
MarketWatch. “Opinion: These families are doing more saving than their bank balances suggest.” Jonathan Morduch and Rachel Schneider. April 17, 2017.
American Banker. “Nonwealthy consumers need financial innovation, too.” Jonathan Morduch and Rachel Schneider. April 24, 2017.
Would you pay more for soap when purchasing with mobile money? (with Jean Lee and Abu Shonchoy). IMTFI Blog, March 27, 2017.
“Can Microfinance Work?” Review of book by Lesley Sherratt. Ethics and International Affairs 30(3), Fall 2016.
“Sharing Solutions to Poverty.” Stanford Social Innovation Review, February 8, 2016.
Shelterforce. “Is Financial Unsteadiness the New Normal?” Jonathan Morduch and Rachel Schneider. Summer 2016.
“Mismatch: How Income and Expense Volatility Are Undermining Households” Jonathan Morduch and Rachel Schneider. Stanford Social Innovation Review, January 12, 2016.
“The Hidden Lives of America’s Poor and Middle Class” Jonathan Morduch and Rachel Schneider. Stanford Social Innovation Review, January 5, 2016.
An Invisible Finance Sector: How Households Use Financial Tools of Their Own Making. US Financial Diaries project. 2014.
Spikes and Dips: How Income Uncertainty Affects Households. US Financial Diaries project. November 2013.
The USFD Methodology: The Financial Lives of Low-Income Americans. US Financial Diaries project. November 2013.
“How Microfinance Really Works.” Milken Institute Review, Second quarter, 2013: 50-59. http://assets1c.milkeninstitute.org/assets/Publication/MIReview/PDF/50-59MR58.pdf
“Beyond Microfinance: Rethinking Microfinance – Banking can do more good for the poor than only helping entrepreneurs.” (with Timothy Ogden). Foreign Policy (online), March 28, 2009. http://foreignpolicy.com/2013/03/28/beyond-business-rethinking-microfinance/
“Notre façon de voir la pauvreté” [“How we see poverty”], FACTS, Special Issue 4 (Lutte contre la pauvreté), January 2012: 14-19.
“Not So Fast: The Realities of Impact Investing,” America’s Quarterly, Fall 2011.
“From Financial Literacy to Financial Action — A White Paper on Financial Literacy and New Ideas to Turn Financial Aspirations into Effective Actions” (with Barbara Kiviat). White Paper, McGraw-Hill Foundation. October, 2011.
“From Credit to Saving” (Symposium on the Gates Foundation), Alliance 16 (3), September 2011: 44-45.
“Why Finance Matters.” Science, vol. 332, 10 June 2011: 1271-1272.
“Take-Up” (with Dean Karlan and Sendhil Mullainathan). Financial Access Initiative Framing Note. June 2010.
“An Introduction to Impact Evaluations with Randomized Design” (with Jonathan Bauchet). Financial Access Initiative Framing Note. March 2010.
“What the World’s Poor Can Teach us About Money Management: How Can Anyone Live on Just $2 a Day? Economists are Starting to Find Out.” Foreign Policy (Feature, online). August 24, 2009.
“Foreword” in Stuart Rutherford, The Pledge: ASA, Microfinance and Peasant Politics in Bangladesh. New York: Oxford University Press. 2009.
“Household Savings in Low-Income Countries: An annotated reading list.” Financial Access Initiative. March 2008.
“How Can the Poor Afford Microfinance?” FAI Framing note. Spring 2008.
“Microfinance Programs and Better Health: Prospects for Sub-Saharan Africa” (with Paul Pronyk and James Hargeaves). Journal of the American Medical Association. October 24, 2007.
“From Microfinance to m-Finance” (with Mudit Kapoor and Shamika Ravi, Indian School of Business). In Innovations: Technology, Governance, Globalization Winter/Spring 2007, Vol. 2, No. 1-2: 82-90.
A version appeared also as: “Banking via Mobile Phones will Alter Relations,” Economic Times (India), August 23, 2007.
“Beyond Microfinance, Towards M-Finance” in ISB Insight, Indian School of Business, Hyderabad. September 2007: 34-37.
“Smart Subsidy for Sustainable Microfinance,” Finance for the Poor 4 (6), Asian Development Bank, Manila, December 2005: 1-7.
Reprinted, Economic Self-Reliance Review 8 (1), 2006.
Testimony to Congress, “Microenterprise and Microfinance.” Testimony for the House International Relations Committee, Subcommittee on Africa, Global Human Rights and International Operations. September 20, 2005
“Q&A with Jonathan Morduch,” Microfinance Matters, August 2005.
“Managing Tradeoffs” in ID21, August 2004 issue. Special issue on “What role for microfinance? Reframing the questions.”
Reprinted, Appropriate Technology 32 (2), June 2005.
“The Grameen Bank Rethinks Microcredit” (In Japanese), Ajiken World Trend 106 (7) (Institute of Developing Economies, Chiba), June 2004.
“Is Microfinance an Effective Strategy to Reach the Millenium Development Goals?” (with Syed Hashemi and Elizabeth Littlefield). Focus Note No. 24. Washington, DC: Consultative Group to Assist the Poor. July 2003.
Analysis of the Effects of Microfinance on Poverty Reduction (with Barbara Haley), a report prepared by RESULTS Canada for the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), November 2001 (163 pages).
“Why are Farmers Slow to Adopt New Technologies?” box featured in World Bank, World Development Report 1998.
“Sibling Rivalry,” box featured in Debraj Ray, Development Economics, Princeton University Press, 1998.
“A Review of Thinking about Development [Paul Streeten],” Journal of Economic Literature, September 1997, 1429 – 1430.
“Microfinance in China” with Albert Park and Sangui Wang, October 1997. Poverty and Development (Beijing, in Chinese).
“The Nature of Change: Lessons from Zouping County” (with Sarah Cook and Terry Sicular), Openings (Shandong, China), Winter 1994, 12 – 14.
“A Review of Adjusting to Reality: Beyond `State versus Market’ in Economic Development [Robert Klitgaard],” Journal of Economic Literature September 1993.
“Reflections on Alternative Allocation Mechanisms” in Approaches to Poverty Alleviation in Indonesia. Report 136/92/255, HIID/Indonesia, November 1992.
“Sub-Saharan Africa: From Crisis to Sustainable Growth: A Review,” Contributions to Political Economy 1990.