Interaction Lab Midterm Report: ROOM ESCAPE



Before the midterm, we made a mini project, a sleeve sword, which awakened my interest in organ-based facilities, and inspired my midterm IDEA. An example I gave in analysis 1 is Alias, a smart product by Bjorn Karmann and Tore Knudsen that adapts appliances based on user feedback. It works only if the user gives it a command, and only if the user gives it feedback so that it can interact with it. The user needs to think when giving commands, so this example inspired me: if I want to enhance interactivity, I need to enhance the user’s thinking so that they can actively join the process. And I think that setting up multiple organs is good for this purpose. In addition, as an escape room player, I enjoy the process of deciphering and the joy of solving the mystery, and I especially like the interlocking of the various links, which allows me to think more coherently, so we finally decided to change from Mini Theater to a combination of Mini Theater and Escape Room. In my perception, most of the audience in a theater is sitting in the audience offstage, and there is no strong interaction with the story, I wanted to improve that with the escape room format.



As I mentioned earlier, I believe that to achieve interactivity, participants need to engage in critical thinking and take action in response to the design, not just through facial expressions but also through physical engagement. I believe that incorporating puzzles and mechanisms within an escape room setting can effectively achieve this goal. Participants can physically explore the mechanisms, decrypt clues, and receive feedback through audio recordings. To make the escape room experience more immersive and logical, I decided to incorporate a story background.


In the first escape room, we used several components, including a button, light sensor, electromagnet, magnet switch, and servo motors. In our design, when the participant opens the bed board, the light sensor detects the light to satisfy the if-condition. Initially, we envisioned having the painting fall down, and before learning about the electromagnet, we thought of using a servo motor to pull a line and bring the painting down. However, we found this approach challenging to implement and realized that the servo motor could be easily noticed. Therefore, we decided to use an electromagnet instead, as it would provide a more natural effect.


We also wanted to open the first escape room from both sides. However, during our repeated testing, we found that the servo motor inside the box was not strong enough to move the entire room. To address this, we obtained two larger 270-degree servo motors. We created space within the paper wall and placed the servo motors inside. After testing, we were able to achieve our desired effect.


In the second room, we required the participants to classify and arrange objects. To facilitate concealment, we decided to use a pressure sensor. The sensing area of this sensor is just a transparent thin film, making it easier to hide. Initially, we planned to use three sensors, but we found that if they were covered with tape, their sensitivity decreased. As a result, only the weight of the mini laptop could be detected by the pressure sensor. The small size of the laptop’s placement made it convenient to restrict the arrangement of objects, ensuring the pressure sensor’s detection range was more precise.


In the final escape room, we placed a large mirror on the wall. This was done to provide a more direct and impactful visual experience for the participants compared to using a printed electronic display screen, which would not provide real-time changes. Additionally, the mirror symbolizes the display screen that monitors the participants.



Actually, I personally believe that in the overall team collaboration, my role was that of an idea provider and working together with Arial to create the entire project.


We conducted several user tests, and the most common feedback we received was that our story wasn’t clear enough, and it didn’t provide a compelling reason for them to follow the steps. Initially, our plan was to integrate each step into a diary written at different times, so they would follow the chronological order. However, the participants provided feedback that some people might not understand the hints in the diary or might not have the patience to read its contents carefully. As a result, we changed our approach and used step-by-step voice prompts, which allowed them to understand each step without forgetting what they needed to do. Additionally, they also mentioned that the connections between our puzzle rooms were not tightly linked, which led them to unintentionally skip steps. The step-by-step prompts effectively addressed this issue because they didn’t know what to do until they received the next prompt.


 We encountered a few other problems as well. Initially, we attempted to connect a reed switch and a servo in series, so that when they threw the book into the fireplace, the switch would close, activating the servo. However, during the process, we discovered that the servo would rotate even without closing the switch. Later, LA pointed out our mistake – we shouldn’t have connected the switch in series with the servo because it required reading data from a pin to control the servo.


Furthermore, we had issues with our rolling shutter door. Initially, we followed a picture we found online, where one end of the paper was fixed to a wire, and rotating the wire would lift the paper up. However, we found it difficult to stick the paper to the circular cross-section of the wire. So, we decided to roll up one end of the paper, stick it 5cm away, create a channel, and then insert the wire into it. We also discovered that the cardboard paper we initially used had too much friction, causing it to get stuck in the groove. Therefore, we switched to using smooth white paper. However, we noticed that it would deviate from its intended position during the reset. To address this, I suggested installing a guide board to allow the paper of the rolling shutter door to slide back to its original position. We wanted to use a stepper motor to control it, but even with hot glue, it was challenging to connect them. So, we decided to “fake it to make it.” We manually rotated the wire after the participants completed the task in the second room.


The same solution was applied to the issue with the buzzer. We had initially allocated a day to make the speaker play audio, but the professor reminded us that it would require a significant amount of time, which we didn’t have. Following his suggestion, we ultimately chose to manually play the recorded sound.


I believe the most successful part of the project was actually the first room splitting into two halves and rotating to the sides. When we realized the blue servo wasn’t sufficient, we immediately replaced it with a larger servo. We also created space at the corner to solve the servo’s positioning issue. To make the traces less noticeable, we covered the cracks on the floor with a carpet, so the participants wouldn’t notice them at the beginning.



Working with Arial throughout the project was very enjoyable because we usually worked together, brainstorming solutions when problems arose, and ensuring we didn’t miss out on the project’s progress. Arial was proficient in coding, so she generally handled the coding issues, while I focused on refining the overall project’s logic and storytelling, as well as providing new ideas when solving equipment operation problems.


In general, my goal was to engage participants in thinking and responding, making them firsthand participants in the story rather than observers. Based on my observations, I believe I achieved that during the presentation. They read the diary, listened attentively to the recordings, understood the story’s development, and made decisions based on the audio prompts for their next actions. This aligns with my definition of interactivity. However, what didn’t align was that in my definition, I mentioned the use of multi-sensory stimulation, but in this project, I only incorporated visual and auditory elements. In the future, I would consider more diverse combinations, including olfactory and tactile experiences, to enhance realism. Given more time, I would also expand the project and make the rooms more detailed, such as adding furniture. This would make the scenes more realistic, enhance immersion, and accommodate more interesting mechanisms to increase playability.


Throughout the project, my biggest takeaway was the concept of “fake it to make it.” This approach allowed me to save time by not getting stuck on problems that couldn’t be solved at my current skill level, while still achieving my goals flexibly. After all, the ultimate aim of the project is to create interactivity rather than merely showcasing technical prowess. Otherwise, I could have easily lost focus by fixating too much on technical issues and forgetting how to enhance engagement. I also realized the importance of effective team communication. I believe Arial and I played significant roles in problem-solving through our communication, as different individuals offer different solutions. Trying out multiple ideas increases the chances of successful problem-solving, and actively listening to each other’s perspectives is highly valuable. Lastly, inviting different people for user testing was crucial. Since both Arial and I are avid escape room enthusiasts, our thinking naturally gravitates toward puzzle-solving when we assess room designs. As project designers, we may subconsciously assume that others can easily understand our designs. However, for individuals who are not familiar with escape rooms, their thought processes may differ. Therefore, we invited friends who are not escape room enthusiasts to test our project and provide their perspectives.


Finally, I would like to express my gratitude. Firstly, I want to thank the Professor for providing us with valuable suggestions and inspiring ideas for improving our project. I am also grateful to LA and the other Fellows for their assistance in identifying project issues and helping us acquire various materials. A special thank you goes to my partner, Arial. Her resourcefulness and craftsmanship played a significant role in shaping the entire project, allowing us to complete it smoothly and efficiently. I would also like to thank my friends Han, Isabel, and Benjamin for their encouragement and support throughout the process. Their presence and motivation were truly invaluable to me. Thank you all for being part of this journey and contributing to the success of the project.


When we returned the items, we did not keep a record. However, I can provide a list of the items I returned: 2 large servos, 1 small servo, 1 reed switch, 1 electromagnet, 2 power supplies, and 1 diode.


The inspiration for my design comes from “The Truman Show.” Before experiencing this project, participants will be informed that the protagonist of the story has lived their entire life inside this room, but now they have discovered something is amiss, and they need help to escape. As participants solve puzzles and uncover hidden cameras in the room, audio recordings will play to provide background information on the story. When they follow the voice prompts and open the closet door, pressing the button inside, the first escape room is successfully unlocked, and they proceed to the second scene.


The second scene is a photography studio, symbolizing the constant surveillance the protagonist has been under. Inside the studio, there is a diary left behind by a kind-hearted employee who states that if the protagonist takes over their tasks, they will help the protagonist escape. Participants can deduce the proper arrangement of items based on clues on the wall. To increase the game’s difficulty, we haven’t directly indicated where each item should be placed. Instead, we used black tape to highlight three different areas, and participants had to infer the correct placement based on the shape and size of the items. Once they successfully categorize the items, the rolling shutter door will automatically open, leading to the climax and resolution of the story. A recorded message will play, congratulating them on completing the challenge, and revealing that the participants themselves were the ones being observed.


At this point, they enter the third room, a real surveillance control room. Facing the participants is a large mirror on the wall, allowing them to see their faces the moment the rolling shutter door fully ascends. This mirror symbolizes a large screen specifically designed to monitor the participants. Photos of the surveillance control room’s computers are also displayed on the sides of the room, representing surveillance from multiple angles. Through this story, I aim to convey the message that when you think others are being observed, there may be someone observing you from behind. By being indifferent bystanders to the victim, you may end up getting hurt, as you never know who the real target is.


const int servo2Pin = 6;  
const int servo3Pin = 5;  

const int buttonPin = 2;  

Servo servo2;  
Servo servo3;  

bool buttonPressed = false;  

void setup() {

  pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);  


void loop() {
  if (digitalRead(buttonPin) == LOW) {






const int lightSensorPin = A0; 
const int electromagnetPin = 9;
const int pressurePin = A1;
const int servo1Pin = 5; 
const int reedPin = 13;

Servo servo1;

// bool electromagnetClosed = false;  
// bool buttonPressed = false;        

void setup() {
pinMode(electromagnetPin, OUTPUT); 
pinMode(reedPin, INPUT);

void loop() {
int lightSensorValue = analogRead(lightSensorPin)

digitalWrite(electromagnetPin, HIGH);
if (lightSensorValue > 50) {

digitalWrite(electromagnetPin, LOW);

int reedValue = digitalRead(reedPin);
if (reedValue == 1){

Serial.print("Light Sensor Value: ");


int pressureValue = analogRead(pressurePin);
 Serial.print("Pressure: ");
// if (pressureValue > 0){

// }


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