Mini Project p5.js sketch

Link to the website:

Brief Description: This p5.js sketch is one that never made it to the official submission. This was supposed to be for another mini-project a few weeks ago but I ended up choosing another sketch over this. The theme of this website is black and white because the p5. sketch is black and white, so I feel like a white and black website would really fit the overall theme of the sketch. The reason why the embedded link isn’t in white is because no matter what color I tried changing it to, it’s just forever in purple color.


  1. Naming files can help keep the folder organized. Inside the folders, there are many files. We can keep the HTML code in one file and the CSS code in another file. When it comes to images, we can put them in the same folder so that it’s easier to find them whenever we need to use the images again. Also, when we need to src the images, we can go to the same folder to find the images so that not only is it time-conservative but also everything is in one place.
  2. I use ID when I want to apply unique features for one certain part of my website. I use class when I want to reuse that feature again so that I don’t need to rewrite the code again and again,
  3. I’m not sure if this is a limitation but there is a black border on the top. It seems like the coding won’t affect the black border there.
  4. In HTML, I can give it an exact position of where I want the image to be. In word editor, I need to move my mouse to move the image but it wouldn’t give me an exact number for the position the image is at. HTML is more number precise but it takes some more time while word editor is less number precise and takes less time to move the images around. In addition, I can alter the text in a more creative way in HTML whereas, in the word editor, I can’t do that. 
  5. P5.js is a more interactive way for users to play, while HTML and CSS are more visual ways to play with.  It’s not interactive but when p5.js, HTML, and CSS are combined together, it creates a really fun interactive way for users to interact with. 

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