Project Proposal (Project B)

Title: Glimpse of my life

Description: My idea is to take some of my favorite photos and videos that I have in my photo album and create a gallery-like website. The moment you open the website, you will see a small tv screen in the middle of the website. The tv will play some of the pictures and videos that I’ve chosen. There will also be a title located in the top left. The About section will be on the top right side of the web. Users can click on it and it’ll lead them to a new HTML page that has my information.  The interactive part of this web is the background. The background will be interactive for the users to play around with. While the tv is playing, the background will also slowly be changing between day and night. When the background is nighttime/black color, users can click anywhere using their mouse, and there will be stars appearing ranging in different sizes. Some stars will be big while some will be small. When it’s daytime/ white color, users can click anywhere on the background and clouds will appear in different sizes. Users can also move the clouds around.


89 steps:  I got my idea from this website. The moment I opened the website, a video starts playing and I find it very interesting.

Sound: find this interactive way through sound and keyboard really interesting. I might include this in the project if time allows.

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