Fall 2022

Regenerative Urbanism: Cultivating a Commons in New York City

Regenerative Urbanism: Cultivating a Commons in New York City Julie Souza, Josh Nodiff, Jes Vesconte, Ziyi Lai   A speculative and transformative vision for a regenerative future in the City of New York.   Introduction New York City and all of its inhabitants have the potential to co-create a regenerative and transformative urban landscape that addresses Continue reading Regenerative Urbanism: Cultivating a Commons in New York City

Comment on Chapter 31. Adaptation

Chapter 31: Adaptation from the Fifth National Climate Assessment claims climate adaptation should address historical inaccuracies, engage diverse groups of people, focus on equity, address differential access, leverage different governance systems, and finally address both extreme climate events and continual, gradual climate stressors. As a general statement, these claims are excellent starting points, but for Continue reading Comment on Chapter 31. Adaptation

OPINION: The Brazilian presidential election has deeply split my family

Originally published in Morningside Post, October 29, 2022. Conversations about politics with family members are one of the hardest to have. You are at your most vulnerable, arguing the fundamentals of your beliefs with the people that love and criticize you the most.  Every morning, I read my extended family’s WhatsApp group chat, but on Continue reading OPINION: The Brazilian presidential election has deeply split my family