Phase 2, Post #5: Recurse Center Code Feeback

Recurse Center’s Diversity Policy:

When I was reading the Recurses Center’s Diversity Policy, I came across an alarming sight. In the beginning, the Center’s policy is described as “The first is that it reduces the harmful effects of stereotype threat. ”  On the words “stereotype threat,” there is a hyperlink that takes you to the Wikipedia definition of “Stereotype threat”. This is alarming, as Wikipedia is edited anonymously, so information on here is not guaranteed to be reliable. Given their position on diversity, I am quite miffed that the Recurse Center did not submit their own definition of this key term. 

However, despite this, the Recurse Center is pretty definitive when it comes to their stance on a contested topic. This demonstrates good policies because it clearly shows the Recurse Center’s stance on certain rules. 

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