Phase 1 Post #7 : Prototype Write up

My prototype uses the marvel service to create a wireframe(website: I plan to have a interactive diagram with visuals of each screen to demonstrate the planned functionality of the application. The issue that my news aggregator plans on addressing is biased/ illegitimate new sources that coerce unaware readers into believing falsehoods. Additionally, the app creates a personalized newspaper based off of the individual user’s own preferences for newspapers or topics. To encourage impartial fact checking on topics, the application will offer fact- checking articles provided by snopes: a fact checking website that evaluates the validity of certain claims (website:

Often, citizens catch wind of news from their own peers (usually through social media), and are unable to explore news sources/ don’t know where to go to conduct their own research . This application attempts to tailor the news towards the user’s self- proclaimed identity (ie a sports fan will see mainly sports articles, and will be suggested sports publications, such as sports illustrated). Theoretically, this means that users will be able to nurture their own identities while staying away from  the abundant supply of erroneous news outlets. 

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