When we say interaction, we expect two or more objects to response to each other. One output message and one receive it. After receiving it, it gives out message again, letting another receive.
https://www.manamana.net/video/detail?id=1566768#!zh This video shows an workshop about tea, where visitors can know about the procedure of making tea. And in the workshop, people can experience how tea is made with lots of interactive design. For example, touching the wall to triger light that follows the rountine of making tea. There is interaction because the light appears in response to the touch by people. And people recieve the message and can later on decide if they want keep the interaction on by touching/responsing the wall again.
Something that I would not call interaction can be this as an example: https://hellocircuits.com/2017/11/09/clock-clock-by-human-since-1982/. The clock is controlled by the program the engineered created, and it is not interacting with another object or person. It is a one-direction process since there is no reception after the clock output/response.
Work Cited:
Forman, Eric. “Clock Clock by Human Since 1982.” HelloCircuits, https://hellocircuits.com/2017/11/09/clock-clock-by-human-since-1982/. Accessed 16 February 2022.
SeeekLab. “科技+传统 茶文化互动体验店-七茶研究所.” Mana, https://www.manamana.net/video/detail?id=1566768#!zh. Accessed 16 February 2022.
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