Last updated: Wed Mar 30 00:16:03 EDT 2022
This page will be updated with Q&A once they come in; check back regularly. Important Q&A feedback will also be announced as well as shared via email to registered participants.
Q&A: Scoring, Evaluation, and Benchmarks
Q44:May I ask if we need to keep the best submission only in each test case’s folder (deleting other submissions)?
A44: No, you don’t need to do that. We will consider all past submissions and extract the best from there.
Q43: May I ask for the public final benchmarks, will there be a submission limit?
A43: No, neither for the public nor the blind benchmarks there’s a limit. But we’re limiting the number of parallel runs per team, and if the backend gets too flooded still we might need to take action as well.
Q42: What is the difference between a score of 0.00001 and 0.00000?
A42: All zero means perfect score on all score components, whereas anything like 0.00001 or 0.00002 means that some score component is not perfect yet (see the scores.rpt for details). This will impact the ranking accordingly. Remember that design quality is included for the overall score as well, so achieving perfect scores for ti and fsp_fi may still lead to this residue for the overall score.
Q41: I could get my score on bench openMSP430_2, but I couldn’t get the score of bench SPARX for a long time. Is there a problem with the backend or just taking a long time?
Q40: In the new probing result, I find the PG net is not contribute to the exposed area. But the detail score evaluation in the website don’t exclusive PG net. So is it a bug of the probing scripts or a new demand?
//// lec_64 -nogui -xl -dofile //// //// template derived from "Sample Dofile" from "Conformal Equivalence Checking User Guide" // setup set parallel option -threads 4 read library -both -liberty NangateOpenCellLibrary.lib read lef file NangateOpenCellLibrary.lef read design -golden _design_original.v read design -revised design.v // Enter LEC mode but w/o auto mapping set system mode lec -nomap // To specify pipeline retiming, requires Conformal XL license analyze retiming // Map key points automatically map key points // Analyzes the netlists and sets up the flattened design for accurate comparison analyze setup // To specify datapath analysis, requires Conformal XL license analyze datapath -merge // To run key point comparison add compare point -all compare // reports report verification > check_equivalence.rpt echo >> check_equivalence.rpt report statistics >> check_equivalence.rpt echo >> check_equivalence.rpt report unmapped points >> check_equivalence.rpt echo >> check_equivalence.rpt report compare data >> check_equivalence.rpt // NOTE redundant report but helps for parsing report unmapped points >> check_equivalence.rpt.unmapped // mark done; exit date > DONE.lec exit -force
- Ours -> LEC
- Equivalence issues -> Non-equivalent points, as reported by “report compare data” command
- Unreachable points issues -> Unreachable points, as reported by “report unmapped points” command
- Undriven pins issues -> “Warning: (RTL2.13) Undriven pin is detected” as reported during parsing by “read design” command
- Open output ports issues -> “Note: (HRC3.5b) Open output port connection is detected” as reported during parsing by “read design” command
- Net output floating issues -> “Warning: (RTL14) Signal has input but it has no output” as reported during parsing by “read design” command
- Ours -> Innovus
- Basic routing issues -> As reported into *.conn.rpt file by “check_connectivity” command
- Module pin issues -> As reported into *.checkPin.rpt file by “check_pin_assignment” command
- Unplaced components issues -> As reported by “check_design -type route” command
- Placement and/or routing issues -> As reported by “check_design -type route” command
- DRC issues -> As reported into *.geom.rpt by “check_drc” command
- Ours -> LEC
ERROR: process failed for evaluation of nets probing -- **ERROR: (IMPSYT-6692): Invalid return code while executing 'probing_nets.tcl' was returned and script processing was stopped. Review the following error in 'probing_nets.tcl' then restart. **ERROR: (IMPSYT-6693): Error message: probing_nets.tcl: divide by zero.
ERROR: process failed for evaluation of cells probing -- **ERROR: (IMPVL-209): In Verilog file 'design.def.v', check line 50760 near the text '0x0' for the issue: 'syntax error'. Update the text accordingly.
ERROR: process failed for evaluation of nets probing -- **ERROR: (IMPSYT-6692): Invalid return code while executing 'probing_nets.tcl' was returned and script processing was stopped. Review the following error in 'probing_nets.tcl' then restart. **ERROR: (IMPSYT-6693): Error message: probing_nets.tcl: can't read "xnext": no such variableBad return code in "dbForEachNetWire".
ERROR: process failed for evaluation of exploitable regions -- **ERROR: (IMPSE-110): File 'exploit_regions_metal1--metal6.tcl' line 437: divide by zero. **ERROR: (IMPSE-110): File 'exploit_eval_metal1--metal6.tcl' line 163: divide by zero.
ERROR: process failed for evaluation of exploitable regions -- **ERROR: (IMPSE-110): File 'exploit_regions.tcl' line 47: can't read "dist": no such variable.
Consider the following commands before reporting timing, to mimic the same setup we have in the backend. There might still be mismatches due to different versions, but probably only very small ones.
#### # settings #### set_multi_cpu_usage -local_cpu 2 set_db design_process_node 45 set mmmc_path mmmc.tcl set lef_path NangateOpenCellLibrary.lef set def_path design.def set netlist_path design.v #### # init #### read_mmmc $mmmc_path read_physical -lefs $lef_path read_netlist $netlist_path read_def $def_path init_design #### # clock propagation #### set_interactive_constraint_modes [all_constraint_modes -active] reset_propagated_clock [all_clocks] update_io_latency -adjust_source_latency -verbose set_propagated_clock [all_clocks] #### # timing #### set_db timing_analysis_type ocv set_db timing_analysis_cppr both time_design -post_route #### # basic eval #### set fl [open area.rpt w] puts $fl [get_db current_design .bbox.area] close $fl report_power > power.rpt report_timing_summary -checks setup > timing.rpt ## NOTE no exit here, as this is supposed to be sourced along with other scripts
1. run innovus and import design
2. read_def desing_oringinal.def
3. check_connectivity -nets {VDD VSS} -type special (no violations)
4. write_def -floorplan -no_std_cells design_original.fp.def
5. create new innovus and import design
6. read_def design_original.fp.def
7. check_connectivity -nets {VDD VSS} -type special (get violations)
Is this a bug, or do we do something wrong?
A22: Not sure exactly how that happened, but we think these dangling M1 rail reports should be fine. Innovus may show these rails as dangling even if they are connected to straps and not to rings around the core.
And we would like to know if it is possible to speed up the evaluation process.
A21: Since the evaluation is entirely based on tcl scripting, there is some runtime cost. The different evaluation stages have trade-offs for accuracy and runtime, and we’ve already opted for relatively short runtime with acceptable accuracy. We also already have parallel processing. For the baseline layouts, we’ve seen runtimes of max ~50 minutes. For any submission, runtimes will vary, depending on the placement and routing and timing paths in general and that for assets in particular, and also on the workload of the backend in general.
We understand that it’s not ideal to wait for hours for some result in worst case, but there is little room for improvement at this point.
Update Feb 22th: we managed to speed up parts of the processing. Still, the runtime largely depends on the level of resilience of the submitted layout (i.e., the effort required for evaluation for resilience), as well as on the workload of the backend in general.
Update Mar 8th: we have managed to further speed up parts of the processing. But, at the same time, we’ve seen that the accuracy for probing evaluation is not good. Thus, we currently looking into this issue again, and you may experience even longer runtimes now for evaluation. We’ll update everyone once that’s settled.
Q20: we have some questions about the sample benchmark provided. There is a command at line 100 in file “”:
read_metric -id current /home/jg6476/flow_dev/out/aes_out/_genus_xfer.metrics.json
We hope to know what is the purpose of this “_genus_xfer.metrics.json” file and whether this file can be provided to us.
we have another question regarding “inn.cmd” file, many commands in that file end with “…”, and we hope to know the meaning of “…”.
In general, the sample benchmarks are provided as is. They are not really meant to be reimplemented, but rather for providing some more or less trivial examples, which can be fully understood from the netlist and DEF itself.
The best way forward is to submit only zip files of your DEF, netlist submissions — as “monolithic wrapper” these zip files would only be processed once fully uploaded from your end.
Also note the following:
– DEF and netlist files that go together *must* use the same basename, e.g., trial1.def and trial1.v. You may still upload multiple trials at once; they will be handled in separate runs. This also applies to the new feature of subfolder submission.
– For the new feature of zip submission, you *cannot* put multiple trials into one archive; each trial must go into a separate zip.
In general, these gif files are more for illustration purposes and only capture the high-level view. Net assets w/o routing layers would make it easier to understand the routing paths of those net assets; w/ routing layers, one cannot really see much difference between the assets’ routing and other nets’ routing.
Q17: About the exploit_regions.rpt file, can i assume the total number of regions and sites count in certain region may change with different result (since exploitable regions are only defined and evaluated within a exploitable distance of cells related to security assets)?
A14: Yes, the numbers in the uploaded “results_*” folders are actually the UNIX timestamps. We have also recently added MD5 checksums for the report as well as the initial email once runs are started. The initial email also contains the UNIX timespace in the subject, so all that together should help you to pinpoint which report folder belongs to which submission file.Going forward, we could also just re-include the submission files in the report folder as well, to make it easier.
**ERROR: (IMPEXT-2826): Net write_data[10] has wire width (480) with NONDEFAULT RULE smaller than using WIDTH defined in technology LEF (800). Update the NONDEFAULT RULE section of the technology LEF & read it back in
**WARN: (IMPEXT-2882): Unable to find the resistance for via 'via2_5' in Cap table or LEF or OA files. The default value of 4.0 ohms is being assigned. To avoid this, check the Cap table and LEF and OA files, provide the resistance and read the files again
A12 a): These warnings should only appear for one of the AES benchmarks. This is introduce some DRC violations for some baseline layout, just for the sake of having DRC violations. So, an additional task to obtain good score for this benchmark would be to fix these violations by re-routing the particular nets (and/or nets in general).
A12 b): These warnings should appear for all benchmarks, and they are due to the simplified nature of the Nangate library. So, you can ignore those warnings.
A11: We’re using Cadence Innovus v17 and v18. Correct, different tools may provide different PPA results. But, since we’re running both baseline evaluation and submission evaluation on the same environment, results will be comparable.
Q9: do we need to upload the solution files for all the benchmarks for the solutions to be evaluated? Can we just submit the solutions for part of the benchmarks and get them evaluated?
A9: You can submit solutions for any benchmark at any time; you don’t need to upload solutions for all benchmarks at once. You need to upload the DEF and the post-layout netlist.
Q7: About the trigger_space_aes_90.rpt, may I ask what is the meaning of “Open Region” and “Number of sites” in line 145? If we sum up the number of sites of all open regions, why is the result much larger than the “Unique fully vulnerable sites in 10u radius from key registers” in the vulnerable_sites_aes_90.rpt file? Does it mean that those open regions can overlap with each other?
A7: “Open Region” is the same as exploitable region. We’ll streamline wording with the upcoming revision of report files as well. Yes, open/exploitable regions can overlap with each other.
Q6: It is mentioned that free track will be calculated. May I ask the definition of free tracks of a metal layer? Is it the summation of available length on each of the tracks in a 2D region? Besides, is there a Innovus command to report this?
A6: The tracks are reported per region, which covers multiple sites. So, yes, it is summed across the region.
Q5: Will an asset cell plus a horizontal/vertical exploitable distance form a 2D rectangular region where we will identify exploitable regions?
A5: In principle yes, but we aim for finer granularity by looking at the actual sites, not only the 2D rectangular region. Please find the update reports for actual site coordinates, along with plots.
Q4: I want to confirm that if every submission is record as a part of final score? If it is, the initial submission may has a low score, but the final score can be improved by more times submit. For example, first score is 2, second core is 10. The average score is 6. But as submit times increase, second is 10, 3nd is 10. Then the final average score is (2+10+10)/3 = 7.3 > 6. So is it not reasonable for record every submission to the final score?
A4: No, we won’t record the initial or any other intermediate submissions for final scores. We only record submissions internally, and also publish the current scores during the alpha round, so that every team knows how they are currently ranking against others. Also recall that the requirement to advance to the final round is merely to submit any valid solution (good or bad score doesn’t matter) until the alpha round deadline. Then, for the final round, we will publicly release few more benchmarks but also keep some benchmarks undisclosed until the end. The final scoring will be based only on the final evaluation on the final benchmarks at the end of the contest.
The best strategy is to submit solutions regularly and see the evaluation results. Note that you’ll also get feedback in particular on the regions through the report files returned along with the final score.
Q1: As is described on the website, exploitable region is to insert a NAND to the path. In the final score for hardware trojan insert, placement resource is sites number in the exploitable region. So if the site don’t used but the routing resource is used, (i.e. metal 1 has no place to connect the pin of NAND gate), Is that considered as unused placement resource, or can consider as insert a trojan?
A1: That’s a good observation. For exploitable regions, note that we consider both placement sites (sites_*) and routing resources (fts_*) in the metrics. You’re right that metal1 is particular relevant for connecting the pins of some Trojan cells. However, free tracks in other layers would also be relevant, in order to tap into/connect with sensitive nets of interest or to realize intra-Trojan routing, both across the exploitable region. Thus, we have simplified fts_* to account for free tracks across the sum of all metal layers, not for layers individually, as we cannot say in advance which layers are most relevant for each exploitable region.
Besides, note that Trojans are not necessarily only a single NAND gate; that NAND gate is rather hypothetically assumed in order to determine a worst-case estimate of exploitable region.
Q&A: Scope and Approach in Detail
Q5: we seek some clarification on what is the definition of functional equivalence that the designs will be checked against. Do the submitted designs have to maintain cycle accuracy? For instance, if the design is pipelined with one additional barrier of flip-flops (inserted by us), would the design remain “equivalent”?
A5: This is a good question. The overall scope and context for the contest is closure stages, where it would actually be more appropriate to maintain cycle accuracy. Also, you’ll notice that some benchmarks have very loose timing, so there should be sufficient margin/potential for security-design co-optimization while still maintaining cycle accuracy. So, yes, submissions have to maintain cycle accuracy.
Q4: Are we allowed to insert dangling wire segments?
A4: Yes, you may insert dangling wire segments. But, such segments could easily be removed again by an attacker; hence, like filler cells, they wouldn’t contribute to security and would be considered as non-existent during scoring.
Update Feb 18th: dangling wires are captured during the initial checks for valid layouts now, so are not allowed anymore.
Q3: In the constraint part on the contest website, it says we must “maintain the sensitive components”. Does it mean that we are not allowed to
- replace a sensitive cell (e.g., AOI21_X1) with a different implementation (e.g., AOI21_X4)
- change the placement of the sensitive cells
- change the routing solution of sensitive nets?
A3: No, you may actually do all that of a), b), and/or c) as you wish. It’s a good comment — our wording of “maintain” is too vague. We meant that you cannot simply remove or restructure the assets but you can fully revise the physical design of asset components (not the cells’ definition themselves though).
Q2: Since you mentioned that we also need to upload the post-layout setlist, does it mean that we are allowed to replace the implementation of certain design component (e.g., replace a AOI21_X1 with AOI21_X4)?
A2: Yes, you may rework the implementation of any component, including assets. For assets, however, anything going beyond your example of driver strength will become complicated, given that you must a) maintain the sets of assets as such, i.e., do not remove or restructure them, and, of course, b) maintain functional equivalence for the overall design.
Q1: We noticed the netlist (.v) file had included the cts information (buffers/nets). So if we perform from placement to routing again, we may insert more buffers during the cts optimization stage.
We think you should give us the post-sim netlist files, not the post-route netlist, so that we could get the floorplan and PG network information from the original def files then perform our own placement/routing method.
A1: You’re free to re-run CTS optimizations, as we don’t imposed constraints on that, aside from the target frequency.
Please remember that this contest is focused on security *closure*, so mainly targeting for post-layout efforts. In particular, note that cells and nets assets are defined based on the post-layout files — these assets are not to be removed or restructured, which might well happen in case you’d restart from post-synthesis netlists.
Thus, the provided DEF is the reference baseline, and the provided netlist is rather for informative purpose, e.g., to ease timing analysis in case you want/need this for your approach. That being said, as long as you maintain the assets as well as the overall functional correctness, you are still free to revise the physical layout and the logic of the design — so we’re giving some flexibility here and do not enforce, let’s say, only minor ECO tweaks.
Q&A: Threats and Approach in General
Q3: My thought is that the “right” way to solve these things is to build a placer and router from the ground up, that can factor security in directly. Writing a good placer is hard, and writing a good router is even harder, though.
A3: The idea for this contest is rather to leverage any existing tools you have, could be commercial tools, OpenROAD tools, or your own tools. Without such basic tool setup, we agree that tackling the contest will require a lot of efforts for ramp-up. As for integrating defenses into your tool setup, you want to 1) fully understand the scope in general and the threats in particular, 2) fully understand the way the threats are considered and scored for this contest, and 3) be as creative as possible to use placement and routing and other design techniques for introducing defenses, but don’t really “re-invent the wheel” for the basic techniques.
Q2: Related to probing. If I understand correctly, if there’s “line of sight” on to the diffusion or poly of a critical gate, an attacker can probe/disrupt. How much space has to be exposed for the probe? If a probe can see between minimum-spacing wiring, then multiple metal layers have to be stacked and aligned to block off the line of sight.
A2: Correct, any line of sight down to the active layer is considered vulnerable. How much space is required for an attacker to actually succeed with their probing or fault injection tools depends largely on the IC’s technology node as well as the resolution of the probing, fault injection tools. To simplify for this contest, we ask to minimize the exposed area of assets in general. It is correct that spacing of wires and routing patterns will play key roles to defend against these threats.
Q1: Related to Trojans. Say we have a register cell that contains a security-critical bit. If the cell has lots of open area around it, a hacker could insert a trojan next to the cell, and then use that trojan to leak the bit in some manner(?). In terms of cell sites, is there a distance threshold we need to worry about? A number of (contiguous) nearby cell sites?
A1: There is indeed a notion of relevant distances, assuming that designs with Trojans inserted must still meet timing, hence Trojans cannot be placed arbitrarily. More details are provided in the scoring description.