There is no book for this class. Instead, the course site will have links to e-book excerpts or other open, online materials.
There will be an installation of some software in order to complete the hands on exercises.
Some, optional background reading:
- Berry/Fagerjord, Digital Humanities: Knowledge Critique in a Digital Age (Polity, 2017)
- Burdick et al. Digital_Humanities (MIT, 2014) open access download here
- The Digital Humanities: A Primer for Students and Scholars (Gardiner/Musto), Cambridge UP, 2015, ebook through NYU libraries.
- A New Companion to Digital Humanities (Schreibman/Siemens/Unsworth), Wiley Blackwell, 2016
- Debates in the Digital Humanities 2012 edition 2016 edition (Gold/Klein).
- Introduction to Digital Humanities(Drucker et al) download here.
- Literary Studies in the Digital Age (Price/Siemens) online anthology here.
A reference guide for DH is in preparation at the NYUAD library.