Are Libraries built in disenfranchised communities different from libraries in wealthier and politically higher committees? Are the fundings different? Are the types of books different? Are the programs different. Is atmosphere different. Why are urban libraries centered on or ignored. I personally want to explore more the importance on libraries in urban and underfunded communities who thirst for knowledge not within the school system? When the NYC library was threatened to close are change people stood from multiple outlets to keep it open. Would these same people find it relevant to fight to keep a library in a poor part of the bronx? Are libraries really for education and knowledge for all?
10th floor views
The 10th floor has very limited space compared to the other floors. However, the height allows for little to no visitors depending what time you go. In the North reading room lies a great view of Washington Square Park and the surrounding streets. It brings me a great amount of solace while studying. Those who lie on the 10th floor seem to not carry the same aura of stress that people on preceding floors carry. A single couch chair lies faced towards the window slanted up with a pile of books laying next to it. There is such a calm in reading and writing on the 10th floor.