The two components of this character can be broken down into the meanings of “speech” and “on,” a combination that aligns really nicely with the meaning of this character. When you use your words TO MAKE somebody do something, you’re essentially putting something “on” them.
It looks like a person standing by a mike stand, which is normally a principal who MAKES students DO SOMETHING. It also has the radicals and characters meaning ‘speech’ and ‘attend’ which means someone says something to MAKE you attend to heir needs.
Aidan Jackson Wiggins says
让 rhymes with 上 like in 上海, so you just have to remember to put the speech radical.
Danial Tajwer says
The two components of this character can be broken down into the meanings of “speech” and “on,” a combination that aligns really nicely with the meaning of this character. When you use your words TO MAKE somebody do something, you’re essentially putting something “on” them.
Dinobi Ibegbu says
It looks like a person standing by a mike stand, which is normally a principal who MAKES students DO SOMETHING. It also has the radicals and characters meaning ‘speech’ and ‘attend’ which means someone says something to MAKE you attend to heir needs.
Mahrukh Riaz says
speech radical and 上 attend = attentive, and that’s how you do or make someone do things
Iva Radoman says
It has SPEECH radical on the right and 上 (attend) on the left.Your teacher uses speech to make you engaged in classes that you are attending .
Sherab Ghale says
It has a speech radical as we need to communicate in order to make someone do something.
Tina Cvjeticanin says
To make someone do something you often have to persuade them through speech
Hugo Obori says
It’s like telling somebody to stand up and to something.
Zara Shahnaz says
This character looks like someone extending out their hand as to tell you to “go on”, because they’ve ALLOWED you to do something
Linda Maria Tervaniemi says
Your mom (telling) MAKING you to get Up