Saffi Ullah says February 17, 2022 at 7:17 am Water (radical) used to clean new born(生) flesh (月)… Overall looks and sounds like 请 (polite request),青(blue, green) Log in to Reply
Hugo Obori says February 22, 2021 at 12:53 am the pronouncitaion is qing which is the same as 请. the water radical just changes the meaning to CLEAR as one cleans things with water Log in to Reply
Valeria Fernanda Wong says March 2, 2020 at 1:40 am I remember this character because its pronunciation is similar to 请, and so it has the same complement. The radical is water because it is a clear substance, which reminds me of its meaning. Log in to Reply
Saffi Ullah says
Water (radical) used to clean new born(生) flesh (月)… Overall looks and sounds like 请 (polite request),青(blue, green)
Hugo Obori says
the pronouncitaion is qing which is the same as 请. the water radical just changes the meaning to CLEAR as one cleans things with water
Valeria Fernanda Wong says
I remember this character because its pronunciation is similar to 请, and so it has the same complement. The radical is water because it is a clear substance, which reminds me of its meaning.