This character has the bottom part of the character 花 (flower) and sounds similar to the pronunciation of the it. I remember the meaning, “TO TRANSFORM” because a flower transforms from a tiny bud to a beautiful bloomed flower.
how i memorize this character: the left hand side of this character is the person radical. people can use their voices to enact change / transform society for the better.
Dinobi Ibegbu says
This character has the bottom part of the character 花 (flower) and sounds similar to the pronunciation of the it. I remember the meaning, “TO TRANSFORM” because a flower transforms from a tiny bud to a beautiful bloomed flower.
AJ Noble says
This characters second half looks like the first half but the line crossing it has transformed into a different part.
Yuni Song says
It looks like a person went through the cultural transformation
Mahrukh Shaikh says
the 人 radical on the right looks like a person standing, the right side looks like the person reaching their hand out, so they’re transforming (化)
Sherab Ghale says
It looks like a “Person” went through a cultural ‘Transformation”.
Oyunbolor Buyannemekh says
The radicle on the left side looks like a person, and the radicle on the right side looks like a TRANSFORMED person in a different pose.
Nicole Cheah says
how i memorize this character: the left hand side of this character is the person radical. people can use their voices to enact change / transform society for the better.
Kat Flanigen says
this person is wearing a scarf on their head and TRANSFORMS by putting it around their neck instead
Tony Kinninger says
It looks like if the person radical is putting a ribbon on the person on the right because he is TRANSFORMING him into a hero for his bravery.