What looks like a character from 脑 .might be a man trapped in a box and because he is trapped he will never be able to reach the door/box that he wants to go through using the path that lies in front of him. Hence will remain far AWAY FROM it.
The separation between these two characters with the upper half and the lower half is something I use to understand that this character means AWAY because the characters are far apart from one another.
Dome Suarez Vivanco says
This character looks like a sketch of a location that helps you know how AWAY FROM your site is where you want to go.
Saffi Ullah says
What looks like a character from 脑 .might be a man trapped in a box and because he is trapped he will never be able to reach the door/box that he wants to go through using the path that lies in front of him. Hence will remain far AWAY FROM it.
Hugo Obori says
the character looks like a temple which is far AWAY from the city, where I am
Aadi Raj Kumar says
The separation between these two characters with the upper half and the lower half is something I use to understand that this character means AWAY because the characters are far apart from one another.
Will Foster says
This character kinda looks like a tower, the top is very far AWAY FROM the bottom.