Alora Linehan says February 21, 2023 at 1:20 am this character looks like the ventricles of a heart with the major arteries coming out of it Log in to Reply
Yuni Song says October 10, 2022 at 1:27 am The character itself looks like the shape of the heart. Log in to Reply
Elise Tucker says October 9, 2022 at 8:57 pm I remember this character because the overall shape looks kind of like a heart. Log in to Reply
Hugo Obori says February 26, 2021 at 8:54 pm this looks like a heart in the middle that has all the veins connected which are the lines outside. Log in to Reply
Nicole Cheah says February 25, 2021 at 5:18 pm How I memorize this character: the three “dian’s” in this character, kind of look like the roof of a house, and a house reminds me of a family, and a house is like the “heart” of a home or a family. Log in to Reply
Alora Linehan says
this character looks like the ventricles of a heart with the major arteries coming out of it
Yuni Song says
The character itself looks like the shape of the heart.
Elise Tucker says
I remember this character because the overall shape looks kind of like a heart.
Hugo Obori says
this looks like a heart in the middle that has all the veins connected which are the lines outside.
Nicole Cheah says
How I memorize this character: the three “dian’s” in this character, kind of look like the roof of a house, and a house reminds me of a family, and a house is like the “heart” of a home or a family.