the left radical is the mouth radical-口 and on the left 少 whic means less, small or little. I remember the saying that the smallest jars make the most NOISE.
The character for mouth, 口, reminds me of how loud people can be when they talk and be very noisy. 吵 also looks like, and rhymes with, 少 which can mean less. When people are noisy, you ask them to be less noisy.
There’s a mouth radical in it, and on the right-hand side, it looks like a human face smiling, so let’s assume that this guy is noisy and talking a lot.
Since we use our mouths to talk, having the mouth radical in this character helps contribute to the fact that it means noisy. The right part looks like the words or noise coming out of the mouth.
how i memorize this character: left side radical means mouth; right side radical / character means less. together they can mean, less ability to talk because it is so noisy.
The left part of the character is the mouth radical and the right part looks like the character for small or reminds me of a word bubble in comics so it almost reminds you of someone shouting.
Dinobi Ibegbu says
the left radical is the mouth radical-口 and on the left 少 whic means less, small or little. I remember the saying that the smallest jars make the most NOISE.
AJ Noble says
This has the mouth radical with another character next to it. It kind of looks like there is a lot coming out of a mouth, which is noisy.
Aya Oihbi says
The left character is the mouth radical, and the one in the left looks like the noise coming out of the mouth, so it reminds me of something noisy.
Munkh-Erdene Altanbaatar says
Smiley face with a mouth radical has to equal noisy.
al7898 says
吵 has the mouth radical, and the right half looks like a person jumping around, being noisy
Ariana Fahl says
The character for mouth, 口, reminds me of how loud people can be when they talk and be very noisy. 吵 also looks like, and rhymes with, 少 which can mean less. When people are noisy, you ask them to be less noisy.
Ken Saengkla says
There’s a mouth radical in it, and on the right-hand side, it looks like a human face smiling, so let’s assume that this guy is noisy and talking a lot.
Elise Tucker says
Since we use our mouths to talk, having the mouth radical in this character helps contribute to the fact that it means noisy. The right part looks like the words or noise coming out of the mouth.
Yuni Song says
Mouth radical for talk.
Sherab Ghale says
“Mouth” breathing is ‘noisy’.
Mahrukh Shaikh says
mouth radical means there is a lot of talking so it is noisy (吵)
Brooklin Dozier says
This character means noisy. The raidcal on the left means mouth which relates to its meaning as you can make noise with your mouth.
Nicole Cheah says
how i memorize this character: left side radical means mouth; right side radical / character means less. together they can mean, less ability to talk because it is so noisy.
Maga Jehangira Grafe says
mouth radical for talk. The word 少 can mean less talk. Also the pronunciation is similar, character builds on pronunciation of shao – chao.
Hugo Obori says
this one is simple. there are the mouth character and small character. when you make a LITTLE noise with your MOUTH it is already noisy.
Anaihita Johar says
The left part of the character is the mouth radical and the right part looks like the character for small or reminds me of a word bubble in comics so it almost reminds you of someone shouting.
Kat Flanigen says
this character has the mouth radical on the left and the words coming out on the right, talking and making a lot of noise
Isa Cuellar says
The pronounciation of this is “chao” which is goodbye in spanish. Spanish speakers tend to be very loud and noisy…
Damya Bhatia says
the left part is the mouth radical and the right part looks like 少, so when someone is too *noisy* you tell them with your *mouth* to be *less*noisy.