Kayla Brackett says March 27, 2023 at 11:55 pm it reminds me of someone skipping because they are satisfied that something went their way. Log in to Reply
Kyle Perlman says November 1, 2022 at 5:18 pm It looks like someone trying to make a square with their legs. Log in to Reply
Simone Hallingu says October 27, 2021 at 6:17 pm It starts off as a square but then because it is too boring the bottom part became something else. Log in to Reply
Guido Jacubowicz says November 9, 2020 at 3:43 pm Pandas, even though they almost exclusively eat bamboo and have no need for ‘fang(s)’, don’t have many square teeth! (Lots of square teeth are something that almost every other Herbivore and Omnivore animal has.) Log in to Reply
Kayla Brackett says
it reminds me of someone skipping because they are satisfied that something went their way.
Kyle Perlman says
It looks like someone trying to make a square with their legs.
Simone Hallingu says
It starts off as a square but then because it is too boring the bottom part became something else.
Guido Jacubowicz says
Pandas, even though they almost exclusively eat bamboo and have no need for ‘fang(s)’, don’t have many square teeth! (Lots of square teeth are something that almost every other Herbivore and Omnivore animal has.)