Looks like a firmly rooted plant with two branches sprouting out from the side. This to me represents the essence of establishing oneself in any CAREER or area of EXPERTISE; you establish a strong foundation of core knowledge in something specific, but also maintain the flexibility to reach out to other scopes/domains to make sure you never stagnate in one area of hyper-specialization.
This looks like a person standing with their hands on their hips. People who know what they’re doing/ who are experts are the ones who stand that confidently
Jasmin Normatova says
The character looks like an agry face of a boss, hence means a career.
Danial Tajwer says
Looks like a firmly rooted plant with two branches sprouting out from the side. This to me represents the essence of establishing oneself in any CAREER or area of EXPERTISE; you establish a strong foundation of core knowledge in something specific, but also maintain the flexibility to reach out to other scopes/domains to make sure you never stagnate in one area of hyper-specialization.
Louise Simpson says
This looks like a person standing with their hands on their hips. People who know what they’re doing/ who are experts are the ones who stand that confidently
Finn Cosgrove says
Looks like two people reading side by side to start there careers
Harsh Tambi says
Looks like a college building / school building where people go to strengthen their careers
Charlotte LaGasse says
It looks like the start of a tree about to grow, which was planted by someone who specializes in horticulture.
Tony Kinninger says
This character looks like an “Agave” plant and it reminds me of Mexico. Because Mexican have an AREA OF EXPERTISE on planting “Agave”.
Rosalie Dang says
The character looks happy with arms in the air cheering because they know what they want to do in life/work/career