The way I remember this character is by thinking about the mathematical symbol less than or equal to <=, and for the sound I think about the pinyin/meaning Jie, and how the "i" from "i"n between is in between two different letters, just like the legs from the character the first legs is slightly tilted to the left.
Kayla Brackett says
Since 个 is the character for one person, for 介 I picture 2 people meeting under one roof.
Santiago Solano says
The way I remember this character is by thinking about the mathematical symbol less than or equal to <=, and for the sound I think about the pinyin/meaning Jie, and how the "i" from "i"n between is in between two different letters, just like the legs from the character the first legs is slightly tilted to the left.
Deziree Harmon says
Two people under a roof. One is bowing to the other as if they are showing respect because they just met. Also one stroke looks like a j
Guido Jacubowicz says
Imagine that when you are in a house, you are in between its walls.
Joao Vitor Lima Assumpcao says
It creates a space where you can fit something “in between” the lines
Isa Cuellar says
Looks like an arrow going “in between” two lines
Rosalie Dang says
Two people under a roof meeting for the first time