There are 3 parts in this character. 1st is the speech part, because you need to ask something so you are kinda having a speech. 2nd a person, because you want to know who is that person. 3rd is king with extra line because you want to be polite when asking who someone is.
Luciana Emerson says
I look at this and remeber who because the left looks like someone knocking on the door and the right is the door and someone else on the other side.
Seonyeong Cho says
1st is trying to ask and 2nd is the person. And the pronunciation can be memorized as “Who” is “Shéi”?
Anna Jedrzejewska says
First part looks like ‘i’ just like from phonetic notation of the word ‘speech’. Second could be a speech written on a huge piece of paper.
Sherab Ghale says
It looks like a cursive small ‘i’ followed by a capital ‘T’ and a capital ‘I ‘with two ‘hypen’ like signs in the centre.
Joao Vitor Lima Assumpcao says
The right characters looks like a person who is using the first character (a stand) while doing their speech
Dylan Stringer says
It looks like someone is on the other side of a door asking “who” is in there
Linda Maria Tervaniemi says
There are 3 parts in this character. 1st is the speech part, because you need to ask something so you are kinda having a speech. 2nd a person, because you want to know who is that person. 3rd is king with extra line because you want to be polite when asking who someone is.