员 has the shell radical for money and the top looks like a person’s head. all together, it looks like a person coming to help you (for money)- implying personnel
the character looks like a person to be; additionally it looks like its on the run which directly relates to its meaning of being a salesman as they are always on the run, ready to help their customers if needed.
I remember this character means shop assistant/staff member because it lo0ks like a person, and because it contains the money radical with a mouth on top of it.
it has mouth on the top of money (shell ) radical.,thus,stuff in the shop is here to tell you helpful information about your purchase,as well as to take your money.
员 has the shell radical for money and the top looks like a person’s head. all together, it looks like a person coming to help you (for money)- implying personnel
It not only has the radical for money (贝), but it also looks like a person.
there is the radical for money , and the character also looks like a SALESCLERK/PERSONNEL running around to answer customers
the character looks like a person to be; additionally it looks like its on the run which directly relates to its meaning of being a salesman as they are always on the run, ready to help their customers if needed.
The character looks like a person’s head..口 and 贝 looks like their legs.
The character looks like a person. It also has a money radical that indicates a salesperson.
I remember this character means shop assistant/staff member because it lo0ks like a person, and because it contains the money radical with a mouth on top of it.
Looks like a very wide and buff security personal
It looks like a person the mouth radical is a head then the shell component looks like shoulders arms and legs
员【yuan】actually means employee, which makes sense because, it has the shell/money radical and that’s what you use to pay your employee right?
mouth radical with shell radical means a store keeper talking to sell something (as a shell was used for money)
it has mouth on the top of money (shell ) radical.,thus,stuff in the shop is here to tell you helpful information about your purchase,as well as to take your money.
it’s a staff member carrying a box on its head!
Looks like a buff security guard keeping an eye on the shoppers at a store.
it looks like a person 口 is the head, 贝 is their arms and legs
It looks like a person who’s running up to you to ask if they can help you