ROOM 348
Getting Started
Room 348 is not a lab. Students can submit files to have printed by IDM Technical Assistants, once they have completed the online training and quiz.
Before You Print
- Complete the online training video and quiz.
- Prepare your file in adherence to the Print Policy.
- If your file is not formatted correctly, we will notify you and it will need to be resubmitted with relevant corrections. We do not edit files (e.g. size, resolution)
- Please use the print form to upload your file.
- You will be asked to select the printer you would like your file to be printed.
The prints will be made in the order in which they are submitted. So please plan accordingly.
After You Print
- The Print Service will email you once it is ready for pickup. Pick up your print from the box outside room 348.
- We do not cut or trim the prints, but we offer a selection of tools in the Design Lab (room 340) that can be used by the students if needed.