Student Concerns

We want to be holistic in approaching student’s growth and learning. NYU and Tandon offers a number of support systems for students. Communication is key – though often students are not as responsive as we would like.

If you have concerns about a student’s academic progress or other items, use NYU Connect to raise a flag and let the student know what your concerns are, and what steps they need to take to make up missing work / class / etc. Be as explicit as you can in what they have missed and what the repercussions are for missing deadlines.

Tandon’s office of student advocacy can assist students with issues that impact their capacity to learn or perform in class. They may email for assistance.

Physical and Mental Health

NYU students have access to robust Health and Wellness services through the University. If you feel a student would benefit from these, please make them aware there are many options detailed at this page.

Office of Student Success

The Office of Student Success is designed to help students who would benefit from some support in their collegiate experiences. This team can assist with creating a bespoke program to best address a student’s needs to support independent learning while in college.

Excused Absences

Students may request special accommodations for an absence to be excused in the following cases:

  • Medical reasons
  • Death in immediate family
  • Personal qualified emergencies
  • Religious Expression or Practice

If illness or an accident causes a student to miss a class (or classes) or an exam, they should notify the Office of Student Advocacy by filling out this Google form in its entirety. Students should not provide anyone – including faculty – with a copy of medical documentation except the Office of Student Advocacy. The student advocate will reach out to you directly if there is an excused absence.

Students who miss class are responsible for making up whatever they have missed. If you can make a recording of you class session available, please do so.

What do I do if I have concerns about a student in general? Missed multiple classes with no notice, not turned in homework, etc?

Raise a flag in NYU Connect which will alert the student’s academic advisor. This system helps keep tabs on students across multiple seections and years and will notify any other offices that need to be notified (For example, Health & Wellness, the Center for Student Success, etc). Additionally, email the student directly letting them know your concerns and what your expectations are.