Tag Archives: HCI

DM-GY 9201 Physical Interfaces For Networked Devices

NB – this is a 7-week course!

This course explores opportunities and limitations in designing physical interfaces for devices that communicate at a distance, primarily wirelessly. Physical, virtual, and social communication infrastructure will be used in the context of creating novel interactions. Students will learn to identify existing networked devices and objects, taking a critical look at their implementation from both a technical and social standpoint. While there are no prerequisites for the course, students are strongly encouraged to have some exposure to programming, electronics, or working with sensors.

Instructor: Scott Fitzgerald

DM-GY 7053 Developing Assistive Technology

This multi-disciplinary course allows students from a variety of backgrounds to work together to develop examples of assistive technology. Partnering with outside organization students will work in teams to identify a clinical need relevant to a certain clinical site or client population, and learn the process of developing an idea and following that through the development of a prototype product. The major learning activity is the design and fabrication of a device (piece of equipment, software, etc.) that meets a specific need for a specific person with a disability or a clinic that treats clients with disabilities or a category of people with similar needs as a result of their disability.

Most recent class site : https://wp.nyu.edu/ap_classes_dat_f23/

Repository of every past class 

Instructors: Amy Hurst, Anita Perr