Tag Archives: css

DM-GY 9103 Dynamic Web

Imagine holding on to data without a database, local storage, or cookies! In this course we will dive into SPAs (single page web applications) with the latest React and Redux technology. After refreshing a few front end should knows and good to knows, we will build simple games using React + JSX, keep track of the progress and score via local State and Redux Store and then style them with CSS Modules and Variables. Then we will progress to a semester long project where students will learn the concepts of reusable components, atomic CSS, and create a living Style Guide using Styleguidist as we build out a custom website using React, Redux, and Webpack.

Instructor : Katie Adee

DM-UY 3193 Dynamic Web Applications

In this course, students focus on client and server side programming, as well as the web design and development process. Students are also introduced to databases for the web. Examples of dynamic web applications include content management systems, registration systems, and social media solutions.

Prerequisite: DM-UY 2193 Intro to Web Development

Sample Syllabi