Tag Archives: camera

DM-GY 9201 Digital Doubles

In this course, students will examine how physical representations can be captured, processed and altered in digital space. The course will provide students with fundamental knowledge of manipulating image and video data and introduce basic computer vision technologies used to process digital data of physical entities. At the end of the course, students will be expected to create a digital installation utilizing live video capture data. This course encourages students to experiment with computer vision and machine learning technologies to reflect on how our digital doubles can be represented in the digital space. A good foundation in at least one programming language is required.

Instructor : Jiwon Shin

DM-UY 2183 Contemporary Techniques in Digital Photography and Imaging

This course will cover basic camera use as well as the more sophisticated skills of image editing. Developing sensitivity to the aesthetics of image making through the use of the camera’s technical controls and composition are the central goals of the class. The course will provide a background in the history, theory, and contemporary issues of photography through lectures and visits to museums and galleries. By the end of the semester students will have the know-how to make images that convey their aesthetic and conceptual ideas effectively.

Instructor : Jack Toolin

Sample Syllabi