IDM Core classes
- DM-UY 4003 Senior Project in Digital Media
- DM-UY 4173 Professional Practices for Creatives
- DM-UY 2263 Still and Moving Images
- DM-UY 2193 Intro to Web Development
- DM-UY 1143 Ideation & Prototyping
- DM-UY 1133 Creative Coding
- DM-UY 1123 Visual Foundation Studio
- DM-UY 1113 Audio Foundation Studio
IDM Elective Classes
- DM-UY 2133 3D Modeling
- DM-UY 2153 Intro to Game Development
- DM-UY 2173 Motion Graphics Studio
- DM-UY 2183 Contemporary Techniques in Digital Photography and Imaging
- DM-UY 2213 User Experience Design (UX)
- DM-UY 3123 Documentary Cinema
- DM-UY 3133 3D Animation
- DM-UY 3193 Dynamic Web Applications
- DM-UY 4913 Unity for Games
- DM-UY 4913 Hands-on Design: Fabrication Studio
- DM-UY 4913 Digital Accessibility and Creative Applications
- DM-UY 4913 Analog Heaven
- DM-UY 4913 Real Time A/V
- DM-UY 4193 Dark Patterns
- DM-UY 4913 Dataflow: Boxes and Lines
- DM-UY 4913 Drawing Studio for Designers and Engineers
- DM-UY 4913 Tangible Games