Ways of Seeing

Many different ways of seeing...
Many different ways of seeing…

Remember your 100 Things assignment from week 2? Well, let’s look back at the thing/object you had chosen. Choose one of the below: 

  • a colorful butterfly
  • a child who’s excited
  • a spider at night
  • a sleepy cat 
  • an angry person

Think of a short storyline that involves the character of your choice from the above list and the object you had originally chosen (or play one of the brainstorming card games, or roll dice for inspiration) and jot it down. Storyboard the narrative you came up with and with a camera in hand, or your cellphone, take lots of photos (feel free to alter them, collage, photoshop, etc.) that could be used to visually represent your narrative. Tell your story in 6-8 images only and write a short narrative (200-300 words) to go along with the images.