
[Peer-reviewed articles]

Levi, S., Baese-Berk, M., Theodore, R., Goudelias, D., & Cheng, H-S. (accepted). A rose by any other name may be a different vocabulary item: Examining the relationship between multiple tests of receptive vocabulary for online studies. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research.

Buchwald, A., & Cheng, H-S. (2023). Factors affecting non-native consonant cluster learning. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research,

Cheng, H-S., Niziolek A. C., Buchwald, A., & McAllister T. (2021). Examining the relationship between speech perception, production distinctness, and production variability. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 15, 660948.

Cheng, H-S., & Buchwald, A. (2021). Does voicing affect patterns of transfer in non-native cluster learning?. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research (online first). (pdf)

[Conference presentations]

*co-first author

Masapollo, M∗., Cheng, H-S∗., Hagedorn, C., & Buchwald, A. (2022). Native and non-native onset-vowel organization: an electromagnetic articulography study. Poster presented at ASHA annual convention, New Orleans, LA., Nov, 17-19.

Cheng, H-S., & Buchwald, A. (2022). Examining individual predictors of transfer of learning in non-native consonant cluster learning. Poster presented at 2022 Motor speech conference, Charleston, SC. Feb, 17-20th. (pdf)

Buchwald, A., & Cheng, H-S. (2022). Non-native consonant cluster learning: At the interface of phonology and speech motor control. Talk presented at 2022 Motor speech conference, Charleston, SC. Feb, 17-20th.

Cheng, H-S∗., Masapollo, M∗., Hagedorn, C., & Buchwald, A. (2021). Effects of phonotactic legality on gestural coordination in consonant clusters: an electromagnetic articulography study. Poster presented at the 181th Acoustical Society of America meeting, Seattle, WA. Nov, 29 – Dec, 3rd (pdf)

Cheng, H-S.,* Masapollo, M.,* Hagedorn, C., Buchwald, A. (2020). Gestural coordination in non-native onset clusters: An electromagnetic articulography study. 12th International Seminar on Speech Production, Dec 14-17 (virtual). (pdf)

Buchwald, A., Repetti-Ludlow, C., Cheng, H-S. (2020). Anodal tDCS targeting left premotor/motor cortices enhances speech motor learning. 2020 Motor Speech Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, Feb 20-23.

Cheng, H-S., Niziolek, C., Buchwald, A., & McAllister, T. (2020). The relationship between production variability and auditory acuity in explicit sensorimotor learning for speech. 2020 Motor Speech Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, Feb 20-23. (pdf)

Cheng, H-S., Grzebyk, I. & Buchwald, A. (2020). Is voicing encoded in speech motor representations? evidence from transfer of learning. 2020 Motor Speech Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, Feb 20-23. (pdf)

Cheng, H-S & Buchwald, A. (2019). The nature of learned speech motor representations: evidence from the transfer of learning. 2019 Boston Speech Motor Control Symposium, Boston, MA, June 21. (pdf)

Cheng, H-S & Buchwald, Adam. (2019). Transfer in speech motor learning: the role of voicing. 177th Acoustical Society of America meeting, Louisville, KY, May 13-17. (pdf)

Abu El Adas, S., & Cheng, H-S. (2019). Acoustic characterization of phonemic and allophonic glottal stops in Levantine Arabic. The 93rd Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, NYC, NY, January 3-6. (pdf)

Cheng, H-S & Buchwald, A. (2018). Generalization in speech motor learning: the case of voicing. ASHA Annual Convention, Boston, MA, November 15-17. (pdf)

Cheng, H-S. (2017). A prosodic analysis of Infixation: the case of Southern Paiwan. The 24th meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association. University of Washington.