Creative Coding Lab

Creative Coding Lab | Project B – Jesus Said Chill

PROJECT DESCRIPTION Gwangun Kim Jesus Said Chill 2023 Stop by, and take a rest for a while           Website Link:           “Jesus Said Chill” is a website where you can feel relaxed by interacting with each sensory part: Sight, Sound, Taste, and Smell. Clicking each part of the face in the middle, Continue reading Creative Coding Lab | Project B – Jesus Said Chill

Creative Coding Lab | Mini Project #7

Project Title: Jesus Said Chill           This project aims to create a rough draft of my final project B’s website using HTML, CSS, and JS. I created a website that the audience can feel relaxed through the interactions I created.  Click here to see the result: You can also see Continue reading Creative Coding Lab | Mini Project #7

Creative Coding Lab | Mini Project #6

Project Title: Snow Globe in Early Christmas            This project aims to create moving particles using “class” and making interactions between classes. I created a snow globe where the snow is shot from the bottom and falls down by gravity. You can create snow by pressing the mouse. Click here to Continue reading Creative Coding Lab | Mini Project #6

Creative Coding Lab | Mini Project #5

Project Title: Slay the Stage with Shoot Dance           This Project aims to create an object dancer that dances on the stage. Inspired by the “Shoot Dance”, one of the dance trends in 2017, I have created a code combining the Halloween theme, where a pumpkin performs the “Shoot dance.” This Continue reading Creative Coding Lab | Mini Project #5