Laure Zanna is a Professor of Mathematics & Atmosphere/Ocean Science at the Courant Institute, NYU. Her research focuses on the dynamics of the climate system. The main emphasis of her work is to study the influence of the ocean on local and global scales, through the analysis of observations and a hierarchy of numerical simulation
Recently, she has worked on a wide range of topics including ocean redistribution of heat and carbon under climate change, regional sea-level rise, air-sea coupling and predictability in mid-latitudes, ocean turbulence in climate models, and uncertainty quantification.
For her presentation, Professor Zanna will speak about:
• her background and she became involved in her areas of research
• explain how much heat the ocean absorbs and what it means for sea-level rise
• discuss how the large scale ocean circulation “works”
• talk about how the circulation impact ocean warming
• will conclude by talking about how scientists use climate models to answer the questions above, and how Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) has been entering the work of researchers to improve their models.
Interests |
Education |
Ph.D. in Climate Dynamics, 2009 |
MSc in Environmental Sciences, 2003 |
BSc in Atmospheric Science, 2001 |
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