Researcher/Writer for Women Artists Biography Project at Smithsonian American Art Museum

Job Title: Researcher/Writer for Women Artists Biography Project 

Job Status: Full-time, temporary. 

Location: Remote

Salary: $40/hr


This Request for Quote (RFQ) is issued by the Smithsonian American Art Museum, Smithsonian Institution for up to 2,000 hours of professional, technical, non-personal research and writing services to create textual biographical summaries about women artists in the museum’s collection for the Smithsonian American Art Museum’s website. Download the RFQ and SOW package now [PDF]. All bids on this contract must be submitted via email ONLY, as detailed in the RFQ and SOW package PDF by April 28, 2023.

The contractor will work in a team-based environment to assist museum personnel in enhancing the museum’s digital collections information and assets. The goal of the project is to illuminate the stories of women artists in SAAM’s permanent collection and reach our target online audiences through searchable biographical summaries.

Specific work tasks include the following:

  1. Research artist biographies and document that research through a bibliography (list of works consulted/cited) according to the museum’s guidance and protocols
  2. Write first draft biographical summaries and circulate them for review, editing, and fact-checking
  3. Participate in the review, editing, and approvals process in collaboration with museum staff and other contractors
  4. Prepare the final draft biographical summaries and prepare the textual assets for entry into website via online forms
  5. Attend all relevant museum and team meetings that facilitate project communication, progress, or directly affect the contractor’s work.


Contractor will follow the museum’s guidance and protocols and work with museum staff to research, write, and review a minimum of—but not limited to—30 fully researched biographical summaries which will focus primarily, though not exclusively, on American women artists of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries in SAAM’s collection, with the final list of artists to be chosen by the museum. The contractor may be assigned to review, audit, revise, or make recommendations for revision of previously published online biographical summaries, based on whether they meet museum standards for accuracy and tone. Biographies numbering more than 30 will be identified, researched, and completed as remaining contract hours allow after the initial 30 have been accepted.

The biographical summaries will conform to established guidelines set out by the museum, including:

  • Concisely describe and contextualize each artist’s importance or significance, so that visitors without subject matter expertise might understand why their work is held at the Smithsonian American Art Museum
  • Highlight any significant mediums, subjects, or themes seen in each artist’s work, and aspects of their careers that relate to what is held in SAAM’s collection
  • Use straightforward language and avoid jargon, to be comprehensible and accessible to those without subject matter expertise
  • Share some sense of the personality, voice, or character of the artist by including direct quotes from the artist, if available
  • Encourage further exploration of the artworks themselves as well as other related content
  • Aim for an evergreen, “encyclopedic” style to minimize the need for frequent updates
  • Be written to around 200–400 words, depending on available sources
  • Be licensed as freely as possible under the Smithsonian’s terms of use and open access policies, to encourage reuse and sharing
  • Be thoroughly researched, fact-checked, and edited, for release into open platforms ensuring that the information contained within is accurate, reliable, and meets with Smithsonian standards for accuracy and quality over time

All Subject Data first produced, composed, or created in the performance of this contract shall be considered “work made for hire” as that term is defined under the Copyright Act. The copyright to such Subject Data shall be the exclusive property of Smithsonian and may be registered by the Smithsonian Institution in its own name.




The following is required to complete this work:

  1. Experience bringing advanced-level knowledge of American art to bear on professional or academic research and writing
  2. Proficiency in researching museum collections information and individuals across histories, particularly women’s biographies
  3. Ability to effectively access and utilize research library resources and materials and identify relevant and reliable primary and secondary sources
  4. Demonstrated ability to write clearly, concisely, and with accuracy for a general audience
  5. Familiarity with using current discourse and framings from contemporary art history, critical race art history, Indigenous studies, visual culture, and feminism to conduct and present research
  6. Experience working successfully as part of a team
  7. M.A. in a relevant field such as Art History, History, Visual Culture, or Cultural Studies with a focus on American art, or equivalent professional experience, preferred


The Smithsonian plans to award based on best value to the museum considering the following factors. The Smithsonian plans to award without discussions, however, does reserve the right to conduct discussions if later determined by the Contracting Officer to be necessary.

All of the following factors are of equal importance. Evaluation factors are:

  1. Relevant Experience/Past Performance
    1. Include contractor’s résumé or CV which demonstrates relevant academic or paid work experience obtained within the past 10 years providing or performing research and writing services of similar subject matter, scope, and complexity that indicate the contractor’s suitability for this project.
    2. Past Performance should be indicated by a list of current or previous contracts or employment with names of points of contact and their current telephone numbers who can answer specific questions on quality, workmanship, and scheduling. Provide contract periods of performance dates, dollar value, and brief description of the work performed.
    3. If appropriate previous contract or employer information is not available, please provide contact information (name, relationship, email, telephone) for 2 professional references.
  2. Qualifications and Technical Competence
    1. Technical Information – Include in the quote a narrative discussion addressing the contractor’s technical competence, capabilities, qualifications, and approach to satisfying the requirements of the SOW.
    2. Product Examples – Two original research and writing samples should be delivered with the quote and will not be accepted after the time specified for the receipt of quotes.
    3. Price


Work shall take place primarily remotely, online, using digital collaboration tools. The final daily and weekly schedule will be determined and confirmed by mutual agreement between the COTR and the Contractor. The Contractor shall meet SAAM’s standards and follow all templates provided for biographical summary content production. Research travel scheduling and costs, if it is determined they are required, will be determined, and confirmed by mutual agreement between COTR and the Contractor.


The Contractor must supply and maintain their own personal computer, either Mac or PC. The computer must be equipped with a video camera, microphone, antivirus software, and be connected to a reliable high-speed Internet connection with a speed of at least 25 Mbps.


The price to the Smithsonian Institution for this purchase order is a not-to-exceed price of $80,000. The Contractor shall work approximately 2,000 hours at a fixed hourly rate of $40/hour. This price includes all costs; any changes to the not-to-exceed price will be made by written modification of this purchase order by the Contracting Officer.

Apply via AAM