PT Job – Exhibition Research Assistant – 9/11 Memorial & Museum – June 8


The 9/11 Memorial Museum is looking to hire a new part-time Exhibitions Research Assistant for a one-year project. This may be an ideal position for a student with keen research and writing skills and an interest in exhibition development and curatorial research.

If you are able to share with any interested current students, incoming students, and alumni of your program, that would be greatly appreciated. Those interested in applying for the position can follow the “How To Apply” guidelines located at the bottom of the attached posting. Applications are now being accepted through June 28.

9.11 Mem. – Exhibition Research Assistant (PT) June 2017

Ian Kerrigan | Senior Vice President, Exhibitions

National September 11 Memorial & Museum | 200 Liberty Street, 16th Floor | New York, NY 10281 | 212.312.8857 |