The Latinx Project: Public Humanities Fellowship

Deadline to Apply: Extended to March 15th

The Latinx Project’s Public Humanities Fellowship will offer up to 10 NYU graduate students, the opportunity to gain career-building experience by establishing collaborative partnerships with local arts and cultural organizations.  

Applicants are asked to propose dream projects specific to a Latinx culture-adjacent institution. We encourage applicants to consult the sample projects listed by the collaborating institutions below, or take initiative in identifying other collaborations with other institution/s of their choice before submitting their applications. These projects should take into consideration present/upcoming programming at the host institution and could include the formulation of a short video, digital interaction, small virtual exhibition, panel, zine etc. Each fellow will receive a $2000 award, and the opportunity to present and develop their project in June & July of 2021 with the host institution. In addition to the award, fellows will participate in a series of lectures with key scholars/professionals of the Arts & Culture sector. These lectures will take place over the course of June and July 2021. 

The PHF’s will engage with professionals in their field, and make meaningful contributions as NYU Graduate Students to their community. The host institution will be also be provided with modest support towards executing these projects. For additional questions please contact, with subject heading: Public Humanities Fellowship