Four Paid Museum Studies Internships at NYU Florence at Villa La Pietra – Apply by January 19


Please note: Applications collected by January 19.  At the moment all 4 positions are fully open for these paid opportunities in Florence, Italy.  Rosanna Flouty is also available to help students locate and secure additional funding, as needed.

NYU Program in Museum Studies:
Paid Internship at Villa La Pietra

New York University Florence – 2018

COLLECTION INTERNS AT VILLA LA PIETRA: 3 positions, 300 hours each

Project 1:  documentation, collection care and communication in a house museum setting – 2 positions at $1,750 USD per intern.

The Acton Collection is displayed in Villa La Pietra, a Renaissance villa on the northern hills of Florence. Collected during the early 20th century by Hortense Mitchell Acton from Chicago and Arthur Acton from London, it was donated in 1994 to NYU by their son, Sir Harold (1904-1994). It comprises over 6,000 art objects including paintings, sculpture, textile, household objects and furniture, dating from the Classical Age to the early 20th century. The Villa also preserves the family library and archive of photographs.

The current database used for the collection inventory is EmbARK 9.5 (Gallery Systems). The two collection department interns will have the opportunity to get to know the Acton Collection on site and through the database. Summer 2018 database-focused project will be dedicated to the last group of the household historical linens (tablecloths, napkins and bathroom towels). The survey was started in summer 2016: the linens will be examined and photographed in collaboration with two textile conservators (identification will include: size, materials, techniques, identification marks – e.g. initials) and core records will be created.  An internal report of the objects studied and inventoried, with a reference to typologies, monograms and historical information will be prepared at the conclusion of the internship to be maintained within the Villa records. If time allows, a small exhibition could be designed to highlight this collection, usually not visible to the public.

Interns will be also responsible for: creating new visual documentation of the objects in the collection; labelling objects and collaborating on daily preventive conservation activities (e.g. light and climate control). An important element of the internship is the collaboration with the conservators and the students of the Conservation Center of the Institute of Fine Arts to document the ongoing conservation projects. Finally, the interns will be involved in the presentation of the Villa, its history, collections and its activities by giving tours and creating material for the social media platforms. During the public evening events the interns could be asked to assist.

Both internships take place in Villa La Pietra, under the supervision of the Collection Manager, Francesca Baldry. Visits to other house museums will be organized. The beginning and ending dates, and the daily schedule of the internship will be determined after the interns are selected (approx. week of May 21 – week of July 6).  

Project 2:  The Acton Guest Book (1923-1994): documentation and research

– 1 position  at $1,750 USD per intern

The Acton Collection is displayed in Villa La Pietra, a Renaissance villa in the northern hills of Florence. Collected during the early 20th century by Hortense Mitchell Acton from Chicago and Arthur Acton from London, it was donated in 1994 to NYU by their son, Sir Harold (1904-1994). It comprises over 6,000 art objects including paintings, sculpture, textiles, household objects and furniture, dating from the Classical Age to the early 20th century. The Villa also preserves the family library and archive of photographs.

Between 1923 and 1994 the family kept a guest book that represents a living memory of the international social life of the Villa. The bound volume is preserved in the collection and has been recently digitized (high-resolution photographs) in order to preserve it and to eventually make it accessible to students, faculty and scholars for study and research. An on-going project has been identifying and transcribing each individual signature.  These have in turn been entered into a database containing biographical information on each guest, with social and professional status, cultural background, and relationship to the Acton family. The intern will assist with the continued documentation of these signatures and baseline research on these visitors.

Finally, the intern will be involved in the presentation of the Villa, its history, collections and its activities by giving tours and creating material for the social media platforms. Interns may be asked to provide support during public evening events.

The internship take place in Villa La Pietra, under the supervision of the Collection Manager,

Francesca Baldry and the Coordinator of Instructional Technology and Digital Initiatives, Scott Palmer. Visits to other house museums and archives will be organized. The beginning and ending dates, and the daily schedule of the internship will be determined after the interns are selected (approx. week of May 21 – week of July 6).

VISIT AND EVENTS INTERN AT VILLA LA PIETRA: 1 position, 300 hours – paid at $1,750 USD per intern

Beginning in 2005 Villa La Pietra has hosted a rich program of summer events entitled The Season, which takes advantage of the unique setting of La Pietra’s historical garden. The Season has also presented programming in historic locations in downtown Florence, reinforcing the bond between New York University (NYU) and its host city.  The program usually features theatrical and musical performances, literary and filmmaking festivals in both English and Italian.

The intern will have the opportunity to be involved in all stages of planning the events, collaborating closely with the Visit and Events Coordinator and the Executive Director of Villa La Pietra NYU. Tasks include: general assistance in the organization and use of the spaces for each event, whether outside in the garden or in one of the indoor spaces, in collaboration with the artistic directors and assistants; communication to the general public; design and preparation of the full program and the individual programs; creation of other promotional materials; maintenance of the data base and other occasional clerical work; and follow up with statistical analysis and reports on the events. Knowledge of computer design, graphics and social media is required. There will also be opportunities to welcome special guests and show them around the art collection and the gardens.

Finally, a portion of the internship is related to the presentation of the collection and garden to visitors. The intern will have time to study the history of the Villa, the artwork and the family that donated the estate to NYU in order to give tours of the Villa and garden.

The Visit and Events Coordinator, Cristina Fantacci, supervises this internship. The beginning and end dates, and daily schedule of the internship will be determined after the intern has been selected (approx. week of May 21 – week of July 6).  

*Candidates with some Italian language speaking skills are preferred for the Visits and Event position.

*For all the positions please send curriculum vitae and cover letter indicating the motivation of application to Francesca Baldry (

Deadline of application: January 19, 2018.
Send materials to

Dr. Rosanna Flouty
Faculty Fellow | Assistant Professor of Museum Studies
New York University
240 Greene Street – Suite 404
NY NY 10003
p: 212.998.8394
t: @rflouty