Videos Fall 2020

Video and Papers: GRIPE Season 2
Fall 2020


September 2, 2020

Sarah Bush (Yale) and Amanda Clayton (Vanderbilt)

Facing Change: Identity and Cross-National Responses to Climate Change

View the archived webinar here.

September 16, 2020

Rachel L. Wellhausen (Texas at Austin), Donna L. Feir (Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis) and Calvin Thrall (Texas at Austin),

The Promise of Foreign Direct Investment: Experimental Evidence from the First Bank in a Native Nation

View the archived webinar here.

September 23, 2020

Cameron Ballard-Rosa (North Carolina, Chapel Hill)

The Albatross of Education: Personal Student Debt and Preferences for Redistribution

View the archived webinar here.

September 30, 2020

Webinar roundtable on “Race, Identity and Culture in the (Post-)Globalization Era”

Andy Baker (Colorado), Alexandra Guisinger (Temple), Kathleen McNamara (Georgetown), J.P. Singh (George Mason) and Pavithra Suryanarayan (Johns Hopkins).

View the archived webinar here.

Nikhar Gaikwad (Columbia), Federica Genovese (Essex) and Dustin Tingley (Harvard)
View the archived webinar here.

October 14, 2020

Lucy Barnes (UCL) and Timothy Hicks (UCL)

Are Policy Analogies Persuasive? The Household Budget Analogy and Public Support for Austerity

View the archived webinar here.


Paasha Mahdavi (UCSB), Christina Schneider (UCSD) and Jennifer Tobin (Georgetown)
View the archived webinar here.

Didac Queralt (Yale)
View the archived webinar here.


Amanda Kennard (Stanford) and Diana Stanescu (Harvard)

Do International Bureaucrats Matter? Theory and Evidence from the IMF

View the archived video of this workshop here.


November 18, 2020

T. Renee Bowen (UCSD) , J. Lawrence Broz (UCSD) , Marc-Andreas Muendler (UCSD) and Bertrand Wilden (UCSD)

The World Trade Organization and U.S. Domestic Politics

SLIDES: WTO and Domestic Politics

View the video recording of the workshop here.


December 2, 2020

James Hollyer (Minnesota), Marko Klašnja (Georgetown) and Rocío Titiunik (Princeton).

Political Outsiders and Democratic Backsliding

View the archived video here.


December 9, 2020

Sarah Bauerle Danzman (Indiana University, Bloomington) Alexander Slaski (Leiden University)

Explaining Deference: Why and When do Policymakers think FDI needs Tax Incentives?

View webcast here