Videos Summer/Fall 2021

Videos and Papers: GRIPE Season 4
Summer/Fall 2021



July 14, 2021

Piero Stanig (Bocconi), Italo Colantone (Bocconi) and Gianmarco Ottaviano (Bocconi)

The Pains from Trade and the Globalization Backlash

View the webinar here.

July 21, 2021

Gabriele Spilker (Salzburg) and Lena Schaffer (Lucerne)

Individual Labor Migration Preferences: Culture, Context or Competition

View the webinar here.

July, 28, 2021

Boliang Zhu(Penn State),  Aubrey Waddick (Penn State),  Yilang Feng (Illinois, Urbana–Champaign), and Angel Villegas-Cruz (Penn State)

Firms Caught in Crossfire: International Stakes and Domestic Politics in Corporate Positioning on De-Globalization

View the webinar here.

August 11, 2021

Nikhil Kalyanpur (Princeton), Abraham Newman (Georgetown), and Qi Zhang (Fudan)

Estimating the Boundaries of Economic Coercion in the US-China Relationship

Watch the webinar here.

August 18, 2021

Stephen Chaudoin (Harvard) and Michael-David Mangini (Harvard)

Why Populists Neglect Automation: The Political Economy of Economic Dislocation

Watch the webinar here.

September 8, 2021

Michael Bechtel (Washington University in St. Louis), Kenneth F. Scheve (Yale) and Elisabeth van Lieshout (Stanford)

Improving Public Support for Climate Action Through Multilateralism

View the webinar here.

October 6, 2021

Vincent Arel-Bundock (Montreal) and Krzysztof Pelc (McGill) 

Mass Attitudes Towards Public Buyouts of Vested Interest Groups

View the webinar here

November 17, 2021

Amanda Kennard (Stanford) and Felipe Balcazar (New York)

Implications of Climate Change for Political (In)Stability

View the webinar here

December 1, 2021

Mark Copelovitch (Wisconsin) and Ryan Powers (Georgia)

Do We Really Know What We Think We Know About the Politics of IMF Lending?

View the webinar here.