Newsletter 5/10/22

Dear Readers,

Here at The Greene Street Review, we want to remind you to “Never trust a candy house.” Also, don’t you think “It’s very comforting to hear someone else talk?” “

Everything is such a pleasure when allowed to be.To generalize, “He talks a lot about his dick.” Some might say it’s “A cleaver to the American Dream.” Or even “Deconstruction in reverse—–

—something I read the other day.

Shakespeare sighed, “Appearance versus actuality.” Why not lead with “We are all going to die.” “Frankly, I’m going Ted Kaczynski mode.” “Slap my ass and call me Virginia Woolf because I crave a room of my own.” Ring ring, “A friend called to let me know that he’s now familiar with every genre of pepper spray video.” Out on the fire escape, “the only comfort she feels comes from the nicotine of her cigarette.” Don’t forget, “It can’t be too long or cluttered with words, or they risk losing people’s attention.” When’s the last time you’ve asked yourself, “Do I really need this?” “Obviously, they’re good, but they had to start somewhere, which is where you’re at right now.”

Does anything sound familiar? Well, it will! The latest edition of the Greene Street Review is out now. Be sure not to miss all of the great sentences above, contextualized in culture-forward reviews, essays, and interviews. Thank you for your support, dear readers, we look forward to reviving our parasocial relationship in the fall.


Sincerely Signed,

The Greene Street Review

​​“The duty of [literary reviews] is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.”